Your customs brokerage specialist in Montreal

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W2C: your customs brokerage specialist in Montreal W2C is a customs broker located directly on the Montreal airport site. Composed of a team of seasoned specialists, W2C responds to your customs management needs quickly and professionally, regardless of their complexity. When you export or import to Canada or internationally, the W2C customs broker offers you a wide range of services, such as Canadian and American customs brokerage, customs advice, logistics transport assistance, training in customs and several other specialized services in the fields, among others, aeronautical customs and pharmaceutical customs. When you are a customer at W2C, you are entitled to a high-end and personalized treatment.

< $25/hr
10 - 49
2100, avenue Reverchon, suite 100, Dorval, Quebec H9P 2S7
1919, Lionel Bertrand, suite 104, Boisbriand, Quebec J7H 1N8

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  • Supply Chain & Logistics

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