Offers on-demand and scheduled run courier service

Since our inception, our customer base and company size has prospered due to our reputation for personalized, responsive customer service. However, the benefits of personalized service that a smaller-scale business offers have not been lost in our success. We offer competitive pricing, and utilize a reliable fleet of cars, vans and trucks, a highly-trained office support team.

We service many different types of customers including overnight package delivery businesses, financial firms, printing companies, law firms, mortgage/consulting companies, medical facilities, etc. We also provide 24 hour service to several major banks for pickup and delivery of proof, ATM, interoffice communication (I.O.C.), supply and distribution, SDS (same day settlement), Customer Deposits, and customer lock boxes. We also provide scheduled U.S. Post Office pickups and deliveries, along with next-day deliveries.

Drivers are radio dispatched through a customized computer dispatching system which enables our dispatchers to track the driver’s location and delivery time up to the minute. Signatures and time of delivery are available immediately upon the completion of each job. Drivers are neat, professional, and always personable as are our office staff members. We are always available, always flexible, and always willing to do whatever it takes to be your most reliable, cost-effective courier service for any package, to any destination, at any time.

United States United States
52 York Ave, Randolph, Massachusetts 02368
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Third Party Logistics - 25%
  • Warehousing - 25%
  • Trucking - 25%
  • Logistics & Transportation - 25%

Industry Focus

  • Transportation & Logistics - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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