Front End

What is Front End for Mobile App?

Front End is everything that user sees on a mobile app including the design of app.

Front End

Simply put, the front end of the mobile app is what the user experiences. You may be familiar with the term “User experience” or “UX”; the front end is where the user experiences and interacts with these things. A front end developer will be focused on what happens with the app, rather than what goes on behind the scenes, which is typically described as the backend.

The mobile app development process involves cooperation between front end and backend developers in order to finish as a complete mobile application. There are typically two types of front end developments: Native and hybrid. Native front end developments are typically designed either for the iOS or Android platforms, whereas hybrids use both and can be compatible with all types of operating systems.

All the Details

Knowing the difference between front end and backend is key in understanding what a front developer can and cannot do. The front end includes components that make up the user interface, which is what the end user will actually see when opening the app. For example, think about what users see when they open the “YouTube” mobile app. They are met with a home page that offers previews to featured videos, a search bar on the top, and a signature red border. There are also sound and video components as well, of course – what happens when a user clicks on a video or a link? Think about the visual and sensory experiences involved.

Front end development technologies include components that are made of code. Typically, this code is HTML, CSS, or even JavaScript. These are known as front end developer languages. These files will determine the color and interactive features of the front end – again, this is what the user sees and experiences when they open the app.

Know Your Options

There are several front end app development features known as frameworks that are available to help your front developer compile all of the written code and useful files in one place in order for it to run smoothly on your final app. Some of these popular options include:

  • Ionic – this is one of the leading tools for hybrid mobile apps, constantly adapting to meet popular trends and offer newer features that can keep apps dynamic and functional.
  • Onsen UI – this development framework is an open source opportunity, allowing your front end developer to pick and choose the features to apply to the mobile app. There is a responsive interface that makes it user-friendly, as well.
  • Intel XDK – this offers one of the most diverse tools opportunities available to mobile front end development. It also offers a platform for testing and debugging, allowing you to give your app several “test runs” before publishing it to the end user.

Whether your front developer needs to write a native front end or a hybrid front end, there are several developer languages and frameworks that can support these efforts. Remember that the front end includes everything your customers see, from the opening loading page to all of the menus and options available throughout the app.