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List of the Top IT Services Providers | Best IT Companies


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What is IT Service?

IT services are IT solutions delivered to customers without having them worry about the high costs and hazards associated with that service. Customers can aptly use IT solutions without the complexities of maintenance, warranty, scalability, and resilience. IT service companies supervise various processes such as network management, system administration, cybersecurity, IT systems management, etc.

What is IT Service Management?

ITSM is the system that allows the service provider to design, plan, manage, and optimize information technology (IT) services provided to customers. The main aim of an IT Service Management structure is to guarantee that the right processes and technology are implemented to meet the client organization's various business goals. ITSM is subdivided into three segments, Service Strategy, Service maintenance, and Service enhancement. Service strategy catalogs the best services for the business. Service maintenance focuses on project management, identifying issues and incidents, and adequately reporting on the adaption of the services. Through Service enhancement, ITSM deals with policy, procedure, and asset management.

The following are some of the most popular ITSM frameworks:

  • Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
  • Microsoft Operations Framework
  • ISO 20000
  • Six Sigma
  • The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)

What Are the Different Types of IT Services?

IT Services play an essential role in the growth of the business. The following are a few of the different types of IT services offered by the top IT service providers:

1. Cyber Security:

Several types of cyber threats can cause potential harm to the entire system by gaining access to and deleting organizations' or users' sensitive/crucial data. Implementing cybersecurity solutions aims to deliver a proper security protocol for computers, networks, servers, and other devices connected via the Internet. Cybersecurity likewise ensures that the data stored on these devices is safe from attackers with malicious intent. 

The following are the most potent cybersecurity threats:

  • Malware
  • Ransomware
  • Phishing
  • Social Engineering

The top cybersecurity organizations'tinuusers gather data to recognize potential menaces and obstruct any attack risk or vulnerability. They employ specific threat-hunting proficiencies, such as 24/7 security monitoring, frequent policy changes, etc., to identify security flaws in the system. The service provider also investigates and manages breaches to eliminate the attack's root problem, allowing users to resume business as usual quickly.

2. Database Administration

Database administration signifies several activities executed by the data attack'sinistrators, which warrants that the database is always accessible when required. The top database administration services ensure periodic database monitoring, security, and troubleshooting. The administrators tweak specific parameters like server memory allocation, disk usage, file fragmentation, etc., to enhance system performance and produce reports from queries, which are then run against the database.

A remote database service provider helps businesses balance database administration and their core business process. Clients can get on-demand scalable solutions by investing limited time and money. Besides, leveraging the outsourced management team’s expertise and explicit knowledge can positively impact the business.

3. IT & Networking

A network is a combination of workstations, servers, mainframes, and interface device team'sc., connected, enabling data sharing. The relation between these interconnect devices, known as network topology, helps identify their communication hierarchy. Typical network topology includes Bus Topology, Ring Topology, Mesh Topology, and Hybrid Topology, among others. 

Switches, routers, and wireless access points are some of the essential networking nodes. These nodes effectively communicate with one another and other networks, establishing a communication channel. Different types of systems are classified depending on the geographic region occupied by them or their chief operative purpose.

Networks based on the operational area are:

  • Personal area network (PAN)
  • Local area network (LAN)
  • Metropolitan area network (MAN)
  • Vast area network (WAN )

Networks based on activity are:

  • Storage area network (SAN)
  • Enterprise private network (EPN)
  • Virtual private network (VPN)

4. IT Consulting

IT consultancy providers create a road map for sourcing, employing, and maintaining IT assets and resources. An IT consultant provides organizations with best practices for applying IT solutions and services to their business objectives. IT consultancy helps implement cybersecurity, cloud environments, network infrastructure, ERP, and other IT solutions.

IT service providers understand and analyze the IT requirements of their clients and advise solutions and services accordingly. They further manage and supervise the implementation process, simultaneously assisting organizations with the transition process. It is crucial to subcontract IT services and solutions to the top IT services companies to ensure that the system functions correctly and securely.  

5. Staff Augmentation

To simplify, staff augmentation is hiring technical talent across the globe while directly managing the augmented team. Proprietors can handpick the candidates that fit business requirements while molding the augmented team, no matter how and when required. Staff augmentation does not require infrastructural investments while simultaneously reducing time spent on recruitment. 

Client companies can accurately leverage external and internal resources while identifying and filling the existing skills gaps by staff augmentation. Staff augmentation promotes access to industry specialists lowering the training and development cost and efforts.

However, assessing vendors offering staff augmentation analyze whether they can deliver what they claim. Please inquire about the lead or lag cycle time for staffing, their bench strength, and even the ability to assign candidate profiles.

What is Managed IT Service?

Managed IT Services or an autonomous third-party service provider remotely manages the host company's IT requirements. To handle IT services, several businesses require extensive infrastructure, such as multiple networks & servers, switches, VOIP phones, robotics, etc. These demands are subcontracted to a managed service provider to reduce setup costs while enhancing productivity. The IT service providers deliver uptime maintenance, data updates & installation, network monitoring, installation & maintenance of company-specific apps, helpdesk services, and system integration services.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services Solution?

Most enterprises often choose to outsource their IT services and solutions for a variety of purposes. There are several benefits of outsourcing IT solutions, such as:

1. Reduce Costs:

Outsourcing enables decision-makers to concentrate on the overall budget of the project as well as allot human resources where they require them most. Hiring and training a team of IT experts and setting up the required infrastructure can be costly. Besides, by subcontracting services, businesses save substantial money on hardware expenses, software licenses, maintenance, etc. Moreover, firms can acquire highly skilled employees at a lower cost.

2. Experienced Resources:

Outsourcing IT services allows businesses access to a highly talented and skilled workforce from across the globe. The IT service companies ensure that the staff assigned to your project is certified and possesses experience in the relevant field to deliver the required IT solutions accurately. Besides, as the top IT solutions companies have worked on multiple projects ranging from various bandwidths, they can quickly and efficiently tackle any unforeseen issues.

3. Innovative Technologies:

The need to match pace with the changing trends and technologies is crucial for organizations. The best IT service companies possess the resources to implement the newest and innovative tools and technologies right away. These service providers are well aware of the upcoming trends and can aptly integrate them within the business. However, as mentioned in the first point, setting up an up-to-date in-house IT service infrastructure can cause a dent in the business’ budget.

4. Support and Maintenance:

The best IT services companies assist their 24/7, throughout the year, to their customers. Businesses can raise concerns over the phone or via email and get someone to resolve the issue at any time. Moreover, these IT experts offer proactive support and timely maintenance of the system to identify and prevent avoidable disasters.

5. Security and Compliance:

Outsourcing IT services has risk factors, such as data breaches, access by unauthorized personnel, fraudulent activities, etc. However, the top IT service providers safeguard their clients against these threats. They offer compliance solutions to match requirements and secure data recovery protocols to tackle unpredictable data loss. The best IT solutions companies also sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) to ensure that your business ideas and information are safe with the service provider.

How to Shortlist Best IT Service Companies?

It is vital to thoroughly research the top IT service providers to sort out the ideal partner. However, it can be challenging to scrutinize the capabilities without identifying which selection criteria to analyze. While screening IT company services, consider the following benchmarks:

1. Portfolio: 

The portfolio of the best IT companies gives insight into the working pattern and the different projects curated by the service provider. It also emphasizes their strengths and weaknesses enabling you to consider their candidature. A portfolio further highlights their proven records in various industries, enabling you to assess and acquire IT company services relevant to your project.

2. Client Reviews: 

Apart from their past experience, clients must analyze their past clients' recommendations. You may read online feedback about the IT solutions delivered by the best IT solutions companies to understand their caliber better. Authentic positive reviews thoroughly understand the firm's processes and IT company services' quality. In addition to requesting references, you must explore independent review and rating platforms like GoodFirms to receive genuine client testimonials.

3. Cost:

Customarily, the cost of IT services depends on the features required, its scope for scalability, infrastructures, etc. Another determining factor is the level and variety of services. The top IT services companies may offer integrated line-of-business IT applications at a higher cost. However, the price should not be more than what you would have spent on setting up services in-house. The IT service provider companies must deliver consistent results while maintaining a consistent fee.

4. Team:

It is vital to scrutinize the vision and values of the service provider company. Ensure that you have information about the experts who will be the contact point for your projects. While teaming up with the top IT solutions companies, evaluating the company's visions, values, and socio-cultural aspects is essential. Verify the LinkedIn profiles of executives, managers, etc., to assess their talent, expertise, and past projects. 

5. Security:

While outsourcing to top IT solutions companies, question them about the security policies they have installed. Ask them about their plan of action to counter the potential hacking or data tampering threats. Also, analyze the protocols concerning digital integrity and data authenticity. Moreover, ensure that the service provider regularly monitors the network and installs a network-specific firewall to defend against network-related issues.

What Questions Should You Ask Before Hiring the Top IT Services Company?

Understanding that the shortlisted IT consulting services company can meet your demands and expectations is imperative. Before finalizing the deal, you must ask the following questions to ensure that you are teaming up with the best IT solutions company:

1. What Is Your Onboarding Process?

The onboarding process should be easy and uncomplicated to eliminate confusion between the various teams working together. An ideal IT services company conducts numerous meetings detailing the documentation process, task management, transfer forms, follow-up procedures, etc. Inquiring about the onboarding process is essential as it smoothens the transition process, moving forward the expectations of the business.

2. Will You Assign a Dedicated Representative to Manage Our Account?

Ask the partner company whether there will be a dedicated account manager to supervise all your needs and deliver the best results. A representative will act as a helpdesk for the top-level managers and mid-level and low-level executives to reach out with queries. It is advisable to ask for the ideal time to interact and their estimated response time. 

3. How Do You Plan on Preventing the Network and Cloud From Cyber Threats?

Outsourcing can leave your business at risk of cyber threats and potential data breach issues. You must inquire about the possible IT services company regarding their defense strategies implemented for their internal and your network. Question their certified experts concerning the design and course of best practices, procedures, and policies to warrant that your network and data are secure.

4. Are the Services Scalable in the Long Run?

Shifting from one service provider to another when your business requirements grow can be a tiresome task as well as a costly alternative. The managed IT consulting services company you select must be compatible with the current requirements and capable of serving in the long term. They should be capable of offering more extensive and more advanced services if the client-business plans expand. Always opt for a company with a vision to match any future demands.

5. What steps do you take to ensure we experience minimal downtime?

Lengthy downtime can cause an organization to lose clients. You must partner with the top IT services company capable of delivering business continuity strategies to keep the operation up and running even during an unpredictable disaster. Inquire regarding the redundancies offered by the service provider in case your network goes down. Ensure they proactively monitor internet traffic patterns or IT systems to detect potential loopholes and prevent downtime.

GoodFirms Research Process:

To receive the ideal IT solutions, company proprietors must opt for one of the best IT companies. GoodFirms strives to assist service seekers in this crusade by exhibiting the above list of the top IT services companies worldwide.

The principal IT service agencies that grabbed a position on the list of best IT companies are evaluated based on the extensive research procedure adopted by GoodFirms' expert researchers. This includes the analysis of several qualitative and quantitative factors, such as the company's portfolio, market penetration, and industry experience. These featured business IT service provider companies have also been ranked after carefully scrutinizing their domain expertise and support services. 

Furthermore, another valuable parameter acknowledged by the research team is the capability of the company to deliver exceptional IT solutions to its customers, which is proven by client reviews on the GoodFirms platform. After a thorough investigation, our analyst observed that the above-listed IT service companies deliver robust IT solutions to patrons across the globe. 

GoodFirms also encourages new and upcoming IT solution providers to partake in future research procedures by providing attestations of their work and grabbing a spot in our 'Research' section.