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List of Best Smoke Testing Service Provider

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Smoke Testing vs. Regression Testing: Key Differences

FeatureSmoke TestingRegression Testing
DefinitionVerifies a software build's basic functionality and stability after changes, ensuring it's ready for further testing.Validates that existing functionalities haven't broken due to code changes or new features, maintaining software quality and stability.
ObjectiveIdentify critical issues preventing further testing and development; catch major regressions early.Ensure changes haven't introduced regressions, regressions are identified before release, and the system behaves as expected overall.
ScopeIt covers core functionalities across major system areas with minimal test cases.It focuses on areas potentially impacted by changes using more comprehensive test cases.
DepthShallow testing with emphasis on functionality; minimal or no specific user stories or scenarios covered.More in-depth testing, often covering specific user stories, functional requirements, and expected behaviors.
Execution TimeQuick and frequent, usually automated due to limited scope.It can be manual or automated, with time varying depending on complexity and scope.
Execution ByDevelopers, testers, or automated tools due to ease of setup.Primarily conducted by testers, although automation can be used for specific areas.
Expected OutcomeThe build is stable enough for further testing.Regressions are identified and fixed, no major functional issues exist, and the overall system behaves as expected.
Typical ExampleTesting if the login function, main navigation, and data storage work, confirming the application launches without crashing.Checking if existing user interactions (like creating accounts and searching for products) still function after adding a new feature, ensuring no unexpected disruptions.
CriteriaTests fundamental functionality such as installation, login, and basic navigation to ensure the software is operational.Tests various functionalities, including critical business processes, to ensure system integrity.
AutomationOften automated to streamline the testing process, allowing for quick execution and immediate feedback.Frequently automated using testing frameworks to ensure consistent and repeatable testing across different builds.
DependenciesDependent on the availability and stability of the build to provide meaningful results about its operability.Dependent on the accuracy and completeness of the test suite to detect any unintended consequences of changes.