NetSupport School

Classroom Management and Monitoring

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NetSupport School is the market-leading classroom management solution, providing award-winning monitoring, control, collaboration, and assessment features to help maximize the benefits of technology-enhanced teaching – supporting all students’ learning styles.

Working seamlessly across all types of platforms and devices – and specifically designed in consultation with teachers to meet their needs in the classroom – it’s no wonder. It has been the complete classroom management solution of choice for over 30 years.
United States
2 Industries
12 Languages
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  • Proprietary
  • On Premises
  • iPhone/iPad
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Mac


  • Email
  • Chat
  • Phone
  • 24x7 Support


  • Webinar
  • In-person
  • Documentation

NetSupport School Core Features

Classroom Management

  • Attendance Management
  • Built-In LMS
  • Class Scheduling
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Course Management
  • Gradebook
  • Messaging
  • Student Portal
  • Student Record
  • Student Monitoring
  • Tests/Assessments

NetSupport School Executive Interview

Al Kingsley
Al Kingsley
CEO, NetSupport School
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Kindly share your feedback on how GoodFirms has been doing so far in increasing your visibility among potential clients.

We've just created our listing profile on GoodFirms and it would be too early to comment on this.

Please introduce your product and give a brief about your role within the organization.

NetSupport creates proven and effective software solutions for schools worldwide. From classroom management an online safety to IT management and alerting tools. NetSupport School is our on-premise classroom instruction and monitoring solution to help teachers keeps students engaged and on task. My role at NetSupport is CEO and as part of that I speak at a range of international events and author articles based on my experiences in the EdTech sector. 

What was the objective behind coming up with this software?

NetSupport School was created to help teachers in technology-enhanced lessons to monitor, control, collaborate and assess students – and support them as they learn with audio, video, interactive tools, gamification and more.

How is your software beneficial from a value addition perspective to the clients compared to other software alternatives available in the market?

All of NetSupport’s solutions, including NetSupport School, are co-produced. Working closely with local schools ensure the feature are relevant and effective for the task in hand. Many of the features in NetSupport School are also specifically developed in line with educational recommendations and accepted “best practice.”

What industries do you generally cater to? Which industries in general are highly benefiting by using your software?

Both schools and businesses use NetSupport School. Any school that uses technology in the classroom would benefit from our solution, whilst companies use it to support their training and on-boarding process.

What are the key features of your software that makes it stand apart from your competitor products in the market?

NetSupport School ensures teachers can easily monitor student activity, from viewing their screen and the applications they are using, to the websites they are visiting, what they are typing and who they are collaborating with – all helping to keep them safe and on task.

Conduct instant assessment of student understanding with our unique Question and Answer Module: deliver questions verbally, select students to answer by random, first to answer or in teams, and then bounce the questions to multiple students; ask the whole class to peer assess a response and score responses throughout the process. No lengthy preplanning, no resources needed in advance; simply assess and vary the questioning as the topic develops.

Meanwhile, the unique Student Journal ensures all relevant information from a lesson is recorded for future review – from lesson content and teacher/student notes, to assessment results. Used as both a revision aid for students and a record of content covered for teachers, it helps ensure all information is stored in one place.

NetSupport School is also ideally suited for the modern foreign languages classroom.  Simultaneously view all student screens and see in an instant which computers have live audio activity. Listen to a student’s microphone feed and correct pronunciation, chat or simply engage with each student individually without disrupting the lesson. Plus, audio activity can also be recorded and played back to students.

With dedicated versions for all leading desktop and mobile platforms including Windows, Mac, Chromebooks, Android and iOS, NetSupport School allows teachers to connect to students using a full mix of different platforms.

A dedicated Windows Technicians’ Console for network managers and technicians is included to help support users and ensure all school computers are managed and maintained effectively, so they are always available for teaching and learning.

What is the customer satisfaction rate according to you? What steps do you take to cater to your customer’s needs and requirements?

With over 9 million users and growing, customer satisfaction is high. Please review the evidence at

Are your customers repetitive? If yes, what is the percentage of repeat customers that you have?

We have over a 90% retention rate with customers keeping their copy of NetSupport School maintained and up to date as well as many adding more licences as their use of technology grows in their school/company.  In recent years many have opted for a subscription model to minimise their initial outlay.

Does your software product provide any resource or knowledge section for its users? If yes, what kind of material is provided to your users to help them get acquainted with your product?

We provide a range of product walkthrough videos and guides to help users.

What kind of support system do you offer to your clients for catering to their queries and issues?

We offer support through email, phone and online chat from 9am to 11pm.

Where do you see your product in the next 10 years?

We will continue to work with schools to develop the solution to fit their current and future needs. 

NetSupport School Pricing

Pricing Type

  • Contact Vendor

Preferred Currency

  • USD ($)

Free Version

  • No

Payment Frequency

  • Quote Based
  • One-Time Payment

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