A very recent research study indicates that businesses that deploy Artificial Intelligence and its other related technologies are likely to earn better revenues in comparison to those who fail to use them. The near future seems to be a profit making era for organizations that are deploying Artificial Intelligence. AI is applied in several products today, and we see a burgeoning integration of artificial intelligence with 3D CAD software. This increasing collaboration is no doubt providing ample opportunities for companies to improve their customer base.
Integration of AI and CAD can accelerate product development.
What is CAD?
Any product that involves designing by and large relies on CAD (Computer-aided design) today. This is a technology which uses computer systems to design any product models via geometrical parameters and helps in achieving your engineering goal. CAD increases productivity by improving the design quality in all working environment. The 3D images and motions created by CAD offer a better approach to every design requirements and offer the best of connection with the customers.
What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence is a stream of computer science whose main aim is to demonstrate intelligence very similar to human intelligence despite the fact of being a computer system. Its intelligence can include anything like; learning, prediction, perception, speech recognition, decision-making, translation, social intelligence, motion, and its manipulation, and so on. In other words, it is also known as Machine Intelligence, the intelligence demonstrated by the machines.
So, how can CAD users or organizations reap the benefits of AI integration? The following sections of this article will discuss this in a detailed manner.
Integration OF Artificial Intelligence with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Software solutions
Traditional CAD software solutions are parametric, which demands extensive planning. This process is time-consuming as a single property can change the whole design, and eventually, it can slow down the work-flow.
The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer-aided design started picking up its pace when Zhangjiang University, China first tried using the smart system of CAD to create artistic patterns and to develop various kind of pseudo-3D art patterns. These patterns were then applied directly by the textile industry. The technology used the knowledge representation and fuzzy reasoning mechanism.
Eventually, a geometric modeling system started playing a role in the architectural CAD to construct the geometrical models of the complex natural things with clustering techniques of Pattern Recognition. This, together with reasoning and decision making expertise, helped in speeding up the product design to a greater extent.
The combination is turning out to be a widely accepted trend these days.
AI uses computers in similar ways as human-level intelligence does. Machine learning or AI uses statistical data to construct the data from the machine. It enables the system to become smarter with the passage of time & knowledge.
Experts from MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory & Columbia University developed Instant CAD tool which enabled designers to interact effortlessly and optimize CAD models.
Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, augmented reality; machine learning, are some of the technologies that are sure to play a significant role in the CAD systems.
How AI Trends Affect the CAD/CAM
CAD systems have been undergoing major changes in recent days due to the need to incorporate intelligence in them. With the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI), the design lead time is cut drastically. It helps in building a practical knowledge-based design system.
The effects are:
- CAD today covers several engineering functions ranging from simple drawings to 3D models. With the incorporation of AI, the process of designing becomes a bit easier with AI taking the lead to integrate the manufacturing aspects or the engineering aspects, predict and perform the tasks with its own intelligence. This suits all types of design, whether it is a new design, or an innovative design, or a routine design.
- AI is capable of storing knowledge, and this knowledge-based information, when incorporated with CAD/CAM procedure, automates several functions.
- The AI algorithm can itself make the required changes in the design without the intervention of the humans.
- The testing and simulations process can be completed with the help AI, which majorly cuts down the design time.
- The implementation of CAD with AI technology is capable of delivering ergonomic engineering.
How Can AI be merged with Artificial Intelligence?
The process by which CAD can be merged with AI is known as MBR (Model-Based Reasoning). It uses qualitative and quantitative analysis to predict the interaction between the designed components. It is purely model-based, and it is purely extracting knowledge from past behaviour.
The essential features of AI & CAD merger are:
- The components of the products should be stored in the hierarchical form to obtain the relationship between the components.
- The knowledge-based reasoning and decision-making procedures are obtained from the product designing experts.
- Links or connections between the product's structures are determined by the rules-based reasoning and methodology.
- The efficiency of the products is analyzed by the combined analysis of quantitative and qualitative simulation.
- There should be easy installation procedures of components in the database, including the addition of new rule in the knowledge-based reasoning in the AI framework.
Components of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence mainly focuses on certain components to make the best decision. Research in Artificial Intelligence is revolved around the learning, problem-solving, perception, reasoning, and understanding the language.
An intelligent system is designed to learn based on the hit & trial methods. The system may use multiple algorithms to achieve the best result. For example, a simple program might try multiple or a random move to achieve the checkmate, and once it gets succeeded, it saves the data for future use and implements if a similar situation occurs.
Reasoning helps the system to generate the conclusion from the knowledge using logical techniques and plays an important factor in the knowledge-based systems.
The system can use multiple types of reasoning to generate the final result, such as Rule engine, Logic Programs, Constraints Solver, Machine Learning System. The hardest problem in the AI is to give the ability to distinguish between the relevant & irrelevant.
Problem Solving
Any system can encounter the problem due to bugs or due to an unknown request. The huge and multiple varieties of problems are addressed to the AI. The problem solving can be categorized in the two segment special purposes and general purposes.
The general purposes of problem-solving are applicable for the wide variety of problems whereas special purposes are tailor made and developed for the particular problems.
Language Learning
It is the ability of the machine to understand and interpret the human language. The objective is to make the AI understand human language. Tools like Google Assistance, Siri, Chatbots uses these components effectively to provide a better user experience.
How Can Machine Learning Help CAD Software
In the present scenario, the primary function of the CAD is to automate the analytical steps of designs. The experts or designers analyze the design steps by steps. The incorporation of AI, allows the designers to skip these time-consuming steps allowing the task to get over quickly and effectively.
In the Medical & Healthcare Industry
The new AI assistance, when combined with CAD proves to be more efficient compared to the traditional CAD system. The increased adoption of deep learning in medical research along with the Big data, has improved the AI system accuracy and algorithms. For example, a Radiologist can detect the minute aspects with the new generation of AI with advanced Computer Aided detection/diagnosis.
In the Manufacturing Process
Although the design process and manufacturing are two separate entities, there is a need to bring them together in order to optimize the design process and also to eradicate any discrepancies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows merging the process with great intelligence. The AI algorithm notifies the designing and manufacturing units about any defect.
The Adoption of AI in the Construction & Engineering Sector
Solutions, data, and tools when combined with algorithms, can be the right way to gain market traction. AI is limitless. The construction and engineering sector is now investing hugely in this combination to reap the benefits.
The BIM (Building Information Modelling) has changed a lot after the introduction of AI algorithm, and it is finding more utility in the construction.
The researchers and architectural experts can use AI to design the ideal building that meets the respective needs in the best manner.
The generative designs also add efficiency to the overall development of the process. The improved workflows enable good coordination between the stakeholders.
Risk evaluation and mitigation are two factors that can affect the construction sector when not handled properly. The AI algorithm can analyze the complexity of the structure, which cannot be addressed easily. The system can also calculate the “Risk Score” on the responsible contractor on the basis of the past records, workloads, etc.
AI also helps in safety management. The AI system ensures the safety of the teams over more the 30+ potential hazardous factors.
The Ongoing Trends in AI Technologies
In the future, companies that invest in AI are likely to benefit the more in the short term. The future of the design, automotive, engineering & manufacturing industries are majorly going to rely on AI technologies.
Currently, the trend in the manufacturing industry is the fourth industrial revolution termed as Industry 4.0 wherein we experience the automation and data exchange happening in a big way bringing together humans, systems, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and cloud computing.
It is all about unifying data, applying deep learning, analyzing, creating different patterns, and identifying the best way to create future aspects. All these are possible by AI. Let us see how we moved to the fourth industrial revolution.
Generations of AI
First Generation was the mechanization of production through extracting data, transforming them and loading them for a purpose. This boosted industrial activities and formed the base of several production lines.
Second Generation was the adoption of rule-based systems with the help of master data management.
The Third Generation was the use of machine learning.
Now coming back to Industry 4.0
Industries 4.0 has the capabilities to connect the multiple devices and channels like Big data Analytics, AI, Internet of things and allows them to share the data in real time.
This revolution is transforming the way goods are manufactured. Designing is getting extremely optimized, thereby saving time and resource.
AI will be the root cause for better productivity and efficiency. AI technologies can analyze the available data to identify patterns, create models and insights that are not possible by humans in a given timeframe.
Automation and Artificial Intelligence
We can see the Artificial Intelligence is spreading its wings aggressively in various sector. So, CAD is not exempted too. Many of the CAD software solutions are empowered with 3D modelling feature, which allows users to create error-free designs.
Implementation of AI in CAD tools is making them smarter and intelligent. It will help to create new control features and various other related products. It can help design products with basics to complex symmetric for multiple business niches without any complication.
CAD Software with Artificial Intelligence
Advanced & dedicated CAD software solutions are playing a prominent role in product design. Almost all the CAD software systems available in the market are customizable, and users can take complete advantage of the more advanced features and control panel offered by such software solutions. If you are looking for a solution with minimal investment, then try accessing the Free and Open Source CAD Software Solutions.
The Integration of AI and CAD can boost product development & designing procedure with powered knowledge and reasoning capabilities. It has fundamentally impacted the usage and utility of CAD system. While the best CAD software solutions started as a simple tool, it is now incredibly advanced with complex features allowing the users to perform various tasks that are otherwise not possible via a conventional method. AI is one trend that is pushing the power of CAD further. Some of the best CAD Software solutions have included Artificial Intelligence.
In the future, the influences of AI-related CAD technologies are going to flare up further.
If you are interested to know and understand the possibilities of some of the best CAD software, then have a look at this list created by GoodFirms.