Assignmenthelp.co.za is a South African company that specialises in providing assignment help and writing services to students in South Africa. The important services included within the portfolio of the company include assignment writing service, dissertation writing service, essay writing service, and thesis writing service. The company has its operations across entire South Africa covering important regions including Cape Town, Durban, Gauteng, Johannesburg Pretoria and KwaZulu-Natal. It maintains an in-house team of subject matter experts covering all the subject areas in order to provide all services under one roof. The writers are provided with complete training in order to ensure excellent assignments are delivered to students seeking help in South Africa. With a dedicated team of 280+ experts, the company has completed more than 11000 assignments without any issues. There is no plagiarism detected in our work because of the application of plagiarism software tools which allows us to achieve zero plagiarism rates in our work. With a dedicated team of 280+ experts, the company has completed more than 11000 assignments without any issues. There is no plagiarism detected in our work because of the application of plagiarism software tools which allows us to achieve zero plagiarism rates in our work.
Service Focus
- Copywriting - 20%
- Creative Writing - 10%
- Editing & Proofreading - 10%
- Technical Writing - 10%
- Content Writing - 25%
- Website Copywriting - 5%
- Ghostwriting - 20%