From source to finish

CPM, formerly Connecticut Packaging Materials, was founded in 1975 in South Windsor, CT. For more than 50 years CPM has been working with businesses to support their comprehensive packaging needs. Our customer’s industries include Consumer Packaging, Food and Beverage, Industrial, Medical, E-commerce, and much more. From consumer goods to highly engineered products, we partner with our clients to develop custom solutions that elevate their products while providing the needed protection in a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly way.With our warehouse located in central Connecticut, our fleet of trucks can service customers throughout the Northeast, while our support reaches across North America. Building upon our core capabilities and track record for excellent service, CPM is investing in experienced personnel, innovative technology, and modernized systems to continue to bring more value to our customers. We know that packaging touches every business and has an outsized impact on our lives. We believe that there is a responsible approach to every package and we are here to help our customers develop the solution.

United States United States
85 South Satellite Rd, Hartford, Connecticut 06074
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Fulfillment Services - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Transportation & Logistics - 100%

Client Focus

90% Small Business
10% Medium Business

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