Serving North Central Florida

I practice primarily in the area of bankruptcy law representing mostly debtors and some creditors. I received my law degree from the University of Florida College of Law with honors in December 1987, where I was a member of the Law Review and served as associate articles editor in 1987. I received my B.A. with high honors from Florida Atlantic University. I majored in history, switching to that after studying theater for a few years and coming to the stunning realization that I needed to someday be able to support myself.

United States United States
2830 NW 41st St Suite C (Thornebrook III), Gainesville, Florida 32606
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Law Firms
  • Bankruptcy - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Other Industries - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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