Pixle Digital
#1 Animation Agency in USA
Pixle Digital is the Rated #1 organization in the region of the USA. This organization was established to help the different agencies in their marketing via the best video animations. This purpose was only made to get success in this industry and this organization also knows that it has the expertise to assist you in branding. This is how this organization gets fame in the region of the USA. Without their efforts they would never get the perfect success in the market. This is how this organization maintain its value in the market.
+1 (307) 213-4394
$100 - $149/hr
50 - 249
Service Focus
Focus of Animation & Multimedia
- 2D - 25%
- Animation - 25%
- 3D - 25%
- Motion Graphics - 12%
- Stop Motion - 13%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 15%
- Financial & Payments - 15%
- Healthcare & Medical - 15%
- Hospitality - 15%
- Information Technology - 15%
- Real Estate - 15%
- Telecommunication - 10%
Client Focus
35% Medium Business
35% Small Business
30% Large Business