We will take care of your cargo &deliver it safely

The mission of Sea Pioneer Shipping Corporation is to cover clients' needs with professionally operated bulkers and tankers fleet in a most efficient way, warranting a safe, cost-effective and trouble-free transportation of cargoes.

The Top Management is committed to actively participate in the implementation of the Company's Management System and to provide the necessary conditions and resources to improve the Health, Safety and Environmental performance with final destination the Excellence.

The Company promotes the concept of Safety and Environmental excellence and expects all employees from the Top Management to every seafarer serving onboard to participate in the effort to achieve and sustain long-term improvements.

Experience from the past and the present is used as the basis for the foundation of a pioneer Company in all aspects and mostly in the Safety, Health, Environmental & Energy Efficiency domain. During all these years in the maritime field, the Company has reached the conclusion that the same factors which are creating accidents are also creating operational losses as well as cost problems.

Greece Greece
284 Kifisias Ave., Athens, Attica 15232
030 210 6811 574
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Shipping - 50%
  • Ocean Freight - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Transportation & Logistics - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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