Delivering Satisfaction by the Truckload

Founded in 1985, SLH was initially created to bring efficiency to the transportation segment of the Sears supply chain. Serving the wide range of vendors and retail outlets (throughout Canada and the USA) was a great foundation and training ground for delivering just in time truckload services.

Over two decades later, SLH still maintains long standing relationships with it's original customers but has added hundreds of other customers, multiple service offerings and a variety of equipment types. All of which has led to our consistent ranking as one of the top 10 for hire carriers in Canada.

Canada Canada
1531 Derwent Way, Delta, British Columbia V3M 6K8
(778) 997.8471
< $25/hr
250 - 999

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Shipping - 50%
  • Trucking - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Transportation & Logistics - 100%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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