Branding And Digital Marketing Agency

‘The Scribblers’ is a Pune based leading branding and digital marketing agency helping brands to create a strong online and offilce presence. We are the result driven digital marketing company having good expertise in search engine optimization, pay per click campaigns and social media page management.

At The Scribblers, we treat each brand as a story and we consider ourselves to be the storytellers. Our job is not to work around complicated marketing models or theorems but to craft a unique way of storytelling that can connect with the right audience with the right message.

We also have good website design and development team to develope Custom, HTML, CMS based website with advance features and functionalities. 

To know more about us visit :

India India
Shivani Complex, 4th Floor, Office No. 10, Opp. The Street Park, Near Orchid School, Baner Road , Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Advertising
  • Outdoor Advertising - 20%
  • Online Advertising - 20%
  • Creative Agencies - 20%
  • Naming - 20%
  • Programmatic Advertising - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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Client Portfolio of The Scribblers Media

Project Industry

  • Healthcare & Medical - 33.3%
  • Food & Beverages - 33.3%
  • Art, Entertainment & Music - 33.3%

Major Industry Focus

Healthcare & Medical

Project Cost

  • Not Disclosed - 100.0%

Common Project Cost

Not Disclosed

Project Timeline

  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 33.3%
  • 51 to 100 Weeks - 66.7%

Project Timeline

51 to 100 Weeks

Clients: 22

  • Porwal Developers
  • Torqus Systems
  • Merck
  • Primespace Realty Group
  • Baker Gauges
  • LEAP
  • Nirvana Realty
  • yash promoters and builders
  • Dynamic Distributors
  • ANA Cyber Forensic
  • Stolen Heaven
  • Audible
  • Arya Omni Talk
  • Turtle mint
  • kyriad hotel
  • Sonigara Jewellers
  • Bridgestone
  • UrbanJoy
  • NewMaze
  • TridentSpaces
  • Citrus Hotel
  • Regenta Hotel

Portfolios: 3



  • Merck screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
100 weeks
Healthcare & Medical


The India chapter of Merck was looking to design a campaign for their internal audience that would motivate them to come up with innovative ideas / solutions in their respective business functions that would increase the efficiency of its operations.


Considering that every individual at Merck was engrossed in their respective job function, asking them to spare some more time on this additional task was a steep climb. In order to seek their participation we needed a WOW idea and that is what we designed a WOW campaign. WOW was a 4 month long initiative that provided every individual at Merck with an opportunity to present an idea that would bring about a positive change at the workspace. The campaign was divided in 3 phases – pre-launch, submission and the grand finale. In the pre-launch phase a series of communication was developed to inform the audience about the campaign. Coffee with WOW session were also held The submission phase was powered by communication that was highly motivational and intriguing. The grand finale was an event where the shortlisted candidates presented their final ideas. The winner was presented with a handsome monetary compensation and the idea was sponsored by Merck to get it on ground.


The campaign reached the entire India chapter across 8 cities and saw participation of over 270 ideas.

Torqus System

Torqus System

  • Torqus System screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
100 weeks
Food & Beverages


Torqus (Now In-resto), India’s leading restaurant software provider approached us to explore branding and sales opportunity in the digital space. The task at hand to was to design an effective 360 Degree Digital Marketing Campaign.


  1. To start with omnipresent digital assets were created across multiple platforms. A digital mix was meticulously crafted with each medium being assigned a specific objective.
  2. SEO activity with key focus on over 60+ keywords ensured that the website secured maximum organic visibility and visits.
  3. Optimally targeted Google Search and Facebook Ad campaign were directed towards securing qualified leads and boost sales.
  4. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were used as a medium to create conversation and engagement among the relevant target audience. Glassdoor and Quora were used to project the brand as the spokesperson for the industry.
  5. Pedantically curated blogs helped the brand to connect with the restaurant owners.


The 360 Degree approach was effective in both – creating awareness and securing sales. We successfully delivered over 2000 qualified leads in a span of 6 months and cumulative reach of over 1 million on social media.

A R Rahman

A R Rahman

  • A R Rahman screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
18 weeks
Art, Entertainment & Music


AR Rahman, the Oscar winning music director had changed the nature of his concerts. His concerts now had lesser number of stage performers but they were now powered by innovative and top notch production that would scale up the overall experience. The task at hand was to design the communication that would suit this changed nature.


To match the changed nature of the concert the creative team decided to change the complete visual appeal of the event collaterals. The first step was to shed the maestro’s identity that the past collaterals had developed. The new designs projected AR Rahman as a Rockstar Stage Performer, a thing that would be difficult to resonate with him in the past. The designs had a flashy appeal and would illustrate the energy that an audience would experience at his concerts. Innovative art forms such as illustrations and line-drawings were also introduced.


The newer designs brought in newer appeal and newer audience.