We Translate Languages!

Leading document translation and website localization company in USA. Top quality language translation services from an award-winning translation agency.Our translation agency was established in 2002 with the purpose of helping companies and individuals to convey world's information. We employed vetted professional linguists to power all our document translations into over 100 languages such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, etc. To date, we've translated thousands of technical manuals, employee handbooks, marketing flyers, restaurant menus, birth certificates, diplomas, transcripts, just to name a few. We work hard to serve each and every client with personal service by having human account managers answering phone calls, emails, chats and in-person. 

United States United States
121 Newark Ave, 3FL, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302
United States United States
1001 4th Ave #3200, Seattle, Washington 98154
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Translation Services
  • General Translation - 20%
  • Legal Translation - 20%
  • Medical Translation - 20%
  • Technical Translation - 20%
  • Language Translation - 20%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 20%
  • Government - 20%
  • Information Technology - 20%
  • Legal & Compliance - 20%
  • E-commerce - 20%

Client Focus

85% Small Business
15% Medium Business

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Client Portfolio of Translation Services USA LLC

Project Industry

  • Advertising & Marketing - 33.3%
  • Education - 66.7%

Major Industry Focus


Project Cost

  • Not Disclosed - 100.0%

Common Project Cost

Not Disclosed

Project Timeline

  • Not Disclosed - 100.0%

Project Timeline

Not Disclosed

Portfolios: 3

Stevens & Tate

Stevens & Tate

  • Stevens & Tate screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
Not Disclosed
Advertising & Marketing

The Overview
Stevens & Tate Marketing is a full service advertising agency that uses integrated marketing solutions designed to impact clients top line. With clients located all over the world, and looking to network and advertise with customers worldwide have their marketing data, blog posts, manuals, and booklets translated is necessary to reach their clientelle.

Client Challenge
Stevens & Tate has to make sure all of their clients are provided with the customer service they have come to know and love over the years. With clients located all over the globe Steven & Tate need to make sure each one is receiving the data and information they are requiring to expand and grow their company’s brand and cliental while keeping the message they are trying to get across as accurate and complete as possible.

The Results
Translations Services USA assists Steven & Tate to get all of their clients latest and best marketing data, blog posts and booklet items out to all of their clients interested while offering the languages and services they would require to make the process as simple as possible for each individual company.

Rocketship Education

Rocketship Education

  • Rocketship Education screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
Not Disclosed

The Overview

With open enrollment around the corner and the growing Vietnamese speaking students Rocketship Education had been receiving over the past few years they wanted to make sure not only the students but the parents could have a full understanding of the operation of the child’s everyday activity but also an understanding of the policies.

Client Challenge

Rocketship Education had a growing enrollment of students, and needed to make sure that each students needs were met, as well as all policies and parent handbooks were translated into the parent and guardians best understood language so they would be able to have a complete understanding of the operation and policies of the school.

The Results

Translations Services USA assists Rocketship Education in getting the parent handbooks translated so that each student and parents needs are met and they have an equal opportunity to have a full understanding of the policies and operating system of RocketShip Education.

The Dartmouth Institute

The Dartmouth Institute

  • The Dartmouth Institute screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
Not Disclosed

The Overview
The Dartmouth Institute does extensive research in order to provide patients with most up to date and informative research possible. While needing to be able to let each of their patients and researchers understand, the options they have when it comes to things such as surgery they needed to have the work they completed translated into multiple languages. The Dartmouth Institute needed to make sure all of their current and previous research and pamphlets they had were available in multiple languages so each patient had an equal opportunity to make the right decision for them.

Client Challenge
The Dartmouth Institute needed to make sure all of their current and previous research and pamphlets they had were available in multiple languages so each patient had an equal opportunity to make the right decision for them. With this there were documents patients needed to review and be able to ask questions concerning the treatment they would be receiving.

Translations Services USA Solution
Translations Services USA was able to get the pamphlets and treatment options translated not only quickly and accurately, we were also able to translate research completed as well. With a tight deadline for the documents to be submitted back to institute, not only was Translations Services USA able to meet the deadline we also gave Dartmouth Institute enough time to review and make changes to the documents before they were provided to the patients.

The Results
Translations Services USA assists The Dartmouth Institute with translating all of their pamphlets and research to make sure all of the patients have an equal opportunity to review and ask questions in regards to all treatment and options they have available.