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LaunchPath is an innovation platform that helps organizations systematically empower and develop innovators. Drive growth, competitive advantage, and employee engagement by empowering and developing your innovators. If you’ve just begun to formalize an employee innovation program, LaunchPath can easily save years of wasted effort by guiding you through the hard-earned lessons of the thousands of innovators who have preceded you. LaunchPath digitally guides, trains, and supports your aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs throughout the entire process of turning ideas into reality. LaunchPath digitizes and automates innovator support and development to enable dramatic scaling of innovation programs.
Screenshot & Video
- Cloud Hosted
- Web-based
Knowledge Base
- Help Guides
- Video Guides
- Blogs
- Webinars
LaunchPath Core Features
- Collaboration
- Discussion Threads
- Engagement Monitoring
- Evaluation Workflow
- Feedback Management
- Gamification
- Idea Ranking
- Ideation/Crowdsourcing
- Polls/Voting
- Trend Tracking
LaunchPath Pricing
Pricing Type
Contact Vendor
Free Version
Payment Frequency
Quote Based
LaunchPath Reviews
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