Translation Management Services: First Step to Going Global

Updated on :February 11, 2025
By :Myra Williams

If you keep up with literature news, then you must know that "Tomb of Sand" is the first Indian language book translated into English that won the International Booker Prize. It was written by Gitanjali Shree in the Hindi language in 2018 and translated into English by Daisy Rockwell in 2022. 

Now, you must be thinking, why did I mention translated books amidst translation management solutions? Well, literature is a business too. And after the book was translated into English, it did more business and reached more people.

International Man Booker Prize Winner TOMB OF SAND

"Tomb of Sand" is the first Indian language book translated into English that won the International Booker Prize

Similarly, if you know what Hallyu is ( it is a Chinese term that means "Korean wave"), you'd know how many people are into Korean dramas and Korean music these days. It has been popular since 1990, but recently in the pandemic, people have started expressing their fondness for Korean series and music more and more.

Mainly it has happened because of Squid Games and BTS. But Korean content wouldn't have been such a hit had they not invested in translation services.

Hallyu - Korean Wave

During the pandemic, people have started expressing their fondness for Korean series and music more and more...

Think about the opposite situation: all the books that are written in English are being translated into other languages to reach a wider audience. It is one such investment that publishing houses tend to make, and so does the music industry. 

In fact, not just the art brands but most brands who wish to spread their wings internationally have started investing in local translation services because they know the potential of it and want to tap into it ASAP.

If you own one such business, all you need to do is to reach out to Translation Service Companies, and they will help you multilingualise your business. 

When a company  gets more prominent or even small businesses are thinking of going international, company executives have more responsibilities on hand. They have to lead a diverse workforce whose numbers depend on many offshore operations. This is where translation service companies step in. 

Before moving on to discussing the tips that businesses need to consider when opting for translation services, let’s check out the market size and forecast, which will give some idea as to how this industry is witnessing exponential growth. 

Stats for Translation Services

Source: Verified Market Research 

The market for translation services was estimated at USD 39.37 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to increase to USD 46.22 billion by 2028, increasing at a CAGR of 2.07% between 2021 and 2028.

Now, without further delay, let’s dive into the tips.  

1.  Think Global, Act Local

Most CEOs in the world have their minds on going global, and this is true for every company. But any business that wishes to go international knows that without localization, nothing is possible. 

For example, if a local American brand wishes to expand to China, it needs to localize everything according to the country's needs and requirements. But first things first. 

The first step towards going global is looking for a company that can provide translation services. To establish in China, one needs Chinese Translation Services, and to establish in Korea, one needs Companies providing Korean Translation Services.

Invest in Translation Management Services

If you are a rising brand, then you must have known that there is a rising demand in developing countries for your products or services. But that doesn't mean that you can blunder into an unknown foreign market without any kind of preparation. 

There may be rising interest and purchasing power in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, but if you aren't speaking your customers' language, you may as well stay at home. Because the sweeping majority of consumers (75 percent, according to the Common Sense Advisory) don’t buy products from websites that aren’t in their native tongue. And this has been true ever since the commencement of business.

If a company is launching a new product or service in the local market, it should do it correctly. The correct way to do it is by using a translation service.

2.  Do Your Homework

When you decide to opt for translation services, you must decide which documents need to be translated. You cannot just hand over everything to your translator and hope for the best while sitting on your couch relaxing. It can take days to plan. 

Even then, you might not be fully prepared for everything. However, someone with expertise might be able to help you. Experts include translators who have the knowledge and knack for legal matters. 

Here is a list of companies providing legal translation services. But you must first decide which languages are on your priority list. You need to know the market for every language, and it requires some research, such as:

  • What platforms are customers most likely to engage with your business?

Whether the public is receptive to social media advertisements, they prefer print ads or do they respond to TV ads. Again, it depends on what product/service you are taking to their country.

  • What are your means of logistics to deliver your business cost-efficiently?

Are you transporting your products to the country you want to branch out to via water or are you sending them via road or air? You must specify if you plan on planting a factory in the country itself and hiring locals to manufacture the product.

  • What are the legal challenges and regulations you need to comply with?

Every country has regulations that you need to comply with and legal challenges that you must face. If you do not know of them, then you might not be able to establish your brand over there. 

  • How much time and resources can you give to expanding your business to a global market?

While trying to expand your business, it is necessary to focus on your home branch. Thus, plan well in advance  how much time and resources (money, manpower, machinery, etc.) are needed to be allocated to the business. 

If you are clear about these points, you’ll be able to get on track for internationalization at the earliest.

3.      Keep Your Language Priorities in Order 

The first thing on your list of priorities is to make a list of the languages you wish to translate your business into. For example, if you wish to target the country of Canada, translating it into French alone is not enough. It would be best if you considered the Hindi and Punjabi languages as well, because many Indians live there.

When people hear or see a brand, the first thing they confirm is its credibility by checking out the website. The website is the definitive source for information about a company and is likely the first place a customer will engage with a company. Your next step should be to translate the website into English.

Keep Language priorities in order with Translation Services

To market the required materials, think about the platform that will be perfect for the audience to respond better. For some, it will be print media; for others, it could be electronic media; for the rest, it could be social media promotions. 

An effective translation strategy takes into account where translated words will have the most impact, which ties back to our second tip - if you've done your homework, then you should have a pretty good idea of how to prioritize your translation strategy.

You must focus on quality because a lousy translation is worse than no translation at all. Also, there are some things that are difficult to translate or cannot be translated. Those things should be thought through and planned in advance. 

Poorly translated materials are confusing to potential customers and turn them off from buying. Not only that, they will leave a negative impression of your brand, making them even less likely to buy than if you hadn't translated it in the first place. And going international means taking care of legal and cultural aspects into consideration.

Don't go for a lousy translation services

A lousy marketing translation will, at best, seem like nonsense; and, at worst, be offensive. And you do not want to seem offensive and insensitive to your international audience. 

Trust me; you do not want to end up with a PR disaster because of poor translation. 

On the other hand, a good translation is sensitive to cultural nuances. It will sound more natural to people who speak the language and show that your business values providing quality to customers.

4.  Take Into Consideration the Time Frame

A good translation of the documents takes time, and you cannot rush the translator. You cannot do poor work with poor results, which is why expert interpreters are available. Even though you might make the choice of hiring a local translator, you will need an expert interpreter who can do the correct basic translation for you. 

There are many companies who make the mistake of leaving translation work for the end of the project; never ever do that. It will result in rushing the translation, and the quality can suffer because of this. 

And if the quality isn't a problem, then there's the cost, because hiring multiple translators to finish a job with an overly tight deadline is expensive. The high cost can be avoided if you have planned the translation services well in advance, which is why it's important to have translation be part of your strategy early in the process.

A professional translator can translate an average of 2000 words a day, but if the documents are legal and there are other things to take care of, it requires time because it needs to be done creatively. 

If you do not have an idea as to how long the translation will take to be done, you can contact the professionals who provide a time limit as part of their quote. However, that might not be the exact time limit but an approximate one. But all you need is a rough idea so you can plan everything else. 

5.  Expressing the Unique Voice of Your Brand Internationally

Every business and every brand has its own unique voice. That is how they became favorites amongst local people. Making the target countries and consumers understand your brand is very difficult, and it requires the support of a third party to ensure that you can articulate who you are on an international level.

Give your brand a voice through translation services

Moreover, with the organization and management getting more complex and adding to the diversity of the workforce, it is no longer wise to be passive about translation services. 

English, even though it is a common language, doesn't  simply rely on its charm in all countries. People want their product details to be translated into their language. The brand needs to have a consistent translation process across different departments. 

When you collaborate long-term with the language expert, you are assured that the tone, style, and meaning of each material are optimized for the particular target audience.

Although companies may be knowledgeable about international regulations and laws and what the particular target markets specifically need, translating that knowledge into the local language is not within the realm of the organization. The translator’s role is to translate them into different languages that fit specific audiences and ensure that your company and brand are globally compliant.

When you opt for translation services, make sure to hire them for a more extended period of time because once the tone of the translation is set, it is hard to get rid of that tone from people's minds. 

Once the locals are accustomed to something, the change in that might hamper your progress with them. Starting with the website, it is an important marketing tool for global companies because you are able to use various opportunities to increase your sales, profits, and revenues.

Climb the ladder of success with translation services

6.  Do Not Rely on Translation Software

When it comes to translating the business to establish it in the international market, you cannot rely on translation software to do all the work accurately and correctly. You will need the human touch and brain to strategically plan every move to launch the business or product/service in the international market. 

The translator's job is not just about translating the docs into the other language, and they also need to be smart enough to explain what should work and what might not. They must be aware of the culture and rituals of the country to make suggestions at the primary level. Investing in translation services is costly and time–consuming to get the desired results which were expected. 

For companies going global, it is vital to think of localization during the planning stage, which means you should hire translators to help you plan and not just rely on mere translation software.

Hiring them will ensure that you can use their knowledge of the marketplace and their experience with other multinational clients in your preparation to enter foreign markets. It will help you avoid mistakes that can be fatal to your company's brand name and money.

7.  Specify the Regions

This point is fundamental but essential. Take India, for example; if one wishes to establish their business in India, they must decide which states they wish to cover because every state/region has its own unique language and dialect as well. Within the state itself, the language varies, and what is accepted by one region might not be accepted by another. Thus, this point needs to be taken care of if the brand is to be established in the country with people speaking various languages.

Wrapping Up

If you own a business brand and want to take it globally, then you must hire the right people who can take care of your translation services. Because the basic requirement of going international is knowing the language of the countries in which you wish to establish your business. 

Do not treat translation as a task but instead as an investment, because if everything is translated correctly, it will be easier for you to make the natives connect to your brand. And no matter what, the customer is the king, and if he is not satisfied, it is all a colossal waste of time and money.

Myra Williams
Myra Williams

Myra Williams has been a content creator for more than 7 years. Currently, she is associated with GoodFirms. She loves to read and write digital articles. When she is not writing, she reads classic literature, enjoys coffee and spends time with her family.

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