Your patient's message are our top priority

Answermed Telecom Inc was conceived in 1995 after the owner, Christopher Lottier, identified a need for a better way of dealing with medical and pediatric telephone answering service clients. 

“I worked for one of the largest telephone answering services in connecticut in sales and marketing, and found myself handling client complaints instead of sales. We were growing the business at the cost of quality and customers suffered for it. I approached the owners to start a medical service named Answermed because most complaints were from the pediatricians and physicians and specialize within that industry only.

I opened Answermed after months of frustrations and we haven’t looked back since and still maintain the quality of service we had on day one.” 

We are a family run business and Chris, wife Heather, and several family members manage the tightly held private AnsweMed Corporation.

United States United States
15 N River Rd, Tolland, Connecticut 06084
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Answering Services - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Healthcare & Medical - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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