The global leader in digital skills training

BrainStation is the global leader in digital skills training and workforce transformation. BrainStation hires Instructors from the most innovative and digitally advanced companies in the world including Google, Facebook, IBM, Amazon and Nike. These industry experts help to design and deliver our content and as of 2020 BrainStation has trained over 100,000 professionals and some of the largest corporations in the world across our core disciplines; data, design, web development, product and marketing. BrainStation has students learning through online, Instructor-led training experiences across 50 countries and has physical offices and campuses in New York, London, Toronto and Vancouver to deliver premium in-person training as well.

Canada Canada
460 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1L7
< $25/hr
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Training & Development - 100%
  • Leadership Training - 50%
  • Management Training - 50%

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