Hever Translations
Connecting Worlds Is Our Expertise.
Hever Translations is the leading, most veteran translation services company in Israel. Our decades of experience and skilled professionals enable us to provide our clients with diverse, professional and high-quality service in all our areas of specialization. We know that converting material from one language to another, to target different audiences, often in different countries, involves much more than just translating the words. It requires good writing skills, the ability to understand complex texts, familiarity with linguistic nuances and the ability to make adjustments for the specific target language and culture, while still accurately conveying the gist of the original and its layers of meaning.
Service Focus
- Transcription - 100%
- Audio Transcription - 30%
- Business Transcription - 30%
- Legal Transcription - 40%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 50%
- Information Technology - 50%
Client Focus
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