Making games for Peace and conflict resolution

Junub Games uses gaming to build bridges between communities and enhance peaceful behavior. Internationally, over 2.2 billion people play video games, with 42% of these on mobile devices.Studies have shown that exposure to prosocial video games predicts subsequent prosocial behavior, and a change in video-game use from violent to prosocial will significantly affect change in helping, and this relationship is mediated by a change in empathy. As such, Junub Games has developed video games, board games and playing cards to promote unity and combat sectarianism in a country shaken by the recent two-year civil war, as well as legacies of violence from the decades-long civil war which ended in 2005. The games are translated into local languages, and distributed across the country, including to IDPs and to refugees living in neighboring countries. Junub games launched its first product called Salam ‘peace’ which is available for Android devices with the support of Amazon and has over 3000 downloads. In the game, users race to destroy bombs in the air before they can harm people on the ground. Success is rewarded by a message congratulating the player on saving lives. The organization has also produced a similar board game called Wahda ‘Unity’, which has already been distributed in Nyumazi camp in Adjumani and Rhino Camp, with plans for distribution in more refugee camps in northern Uganda as well as IDP sites across South Sudan. These two games will encourage unity and a sense of togetherness in the players, and enhance positive behavior towards peace.

United States United States
3501 Nebraska Ave NW , US, Washington DC, District of Columbia 20016
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Game Development
  • PC Game - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Gaming - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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