Lathum Professional Teleservices
Professional Teleservices
Our 24 hour agents are standing by to answer your telephone. We will answer using a greeting you choose and will handle your calls as you wish. Whether you want a message taken from callers or you want us to relay information on your behalf, we can handle it.
Do you want callers to be given driving directions to your place of business? We’ll be happy to take care of that.
Do you want to be aware of urgent calls, but not bothered by non-emergencies? We can dispatch only emergency or other customer-specified calls to you or your on-call people. Non-emergencies are held for office check-in or scheduled delivery.
PO Box 4129,
(781) 326-3100
< $25/hr
10 - 49
Service Focus
Focus of Business Services
- Answering Services - 100%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 20%
- Consumer Products - 20%
- Transportation & Logistics - 20%
- Utilities - 20%
- Retail - 20%
Client Focus
100% Small Business
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