Law Debt Collection Limited
Law Debt Collection offer products and services
At Law Debt Collection we operate on a success basis. If we are unsuccessful in the recovery of your money you will not be charged. (No Collection, No Commission)
We try to help our clients put systems in place to protect them in the future from “bad payers” as well as assisting them with any current debtors. We can assist by preparing terms of trade to go with your credit application forms, this can help you find out who you are dealing with and get security over your debt. We also have signs that can be displayed in your reception area that warn debtors that your accounts are protected by us and should they become overdue they will be liable for any costs involved in the recovery of your debt.
Our Company is well known in the insolvency industry as we have more than 20 years experience.
Service Focus
- Debt Collection - 100%
Industry Focus
- Financial & Payments - 25%
- Real Estate - 25%
- Other Industries - 25%
- Banking - 25%
Client Focus
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