Stage-Appropriate Culturally-Aligned

Swift HR Solutions assists early-stage companies by providing a comprehensive Human Resource solution that allows its client companies to remain focused on key business initiatives. SwiftHR® allows early-stage companies to ensure they have all the necessary tools and information required to provide employees an intentional and professional work environment while meeting all state and federal Human Resource requirements. Swift HR Solutions also offers professional consultant services that provide a strategic HR professional presence through a cost-effective retainer model. Founded in early 2004, Swift HR Solutions is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and currently services companies and employees across the country.

United States United States
1819 SW 5th AVE #110, Portland, Oregon 97201
$25 - $49/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • HR - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 20%
  • Consumer Products - 20%
  • Real Estate - 20%
  • Social - 20%
  • Startups - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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