Assess, Design, Train, and Coach.

Our mission is to coach, train, and consult with sales leaders and their teams to compete in a complex world. We do this by taking a diagnostic approach to understand your team and the gaps we can help you fill. To gain a deeper understanding of your team and your needs, we adhere to this process: Assess, Design, Train, and Coach. We start by assessing your team’s competencies to determine strengths and weakness. Then we design a tailored playbook that defines an action plan to further develop your team and equip them with the desired skills for your marketplace. This leads into our tailored training solutions and on-going coaching that provide a deeper understanding of the overall strategy in order to handle day-to-day situations.

United States United States
6605 Longshore Street Suite 240 #101, Dublin, Ohio 43017
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Training & Development - 100%
  • Sales Training - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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