Video Crew
Video Crew in Los Angeles & Orange County
Los Angeles video crews: We provide complete video production services in Los Angeles and Orange County for documentary interviews, b-roll, red carpets, commercials and corporate interviews.
Each member of our team has at least 10 years of experience filming for broadcast, films and corporations and have degrees in film from top universities.
Whether you require a skilled sound recordist, gaffer, or DP, we show up with top quality equipment and experience you can count on.
We also provide complete fixer field production services to organize all production needs.
Dependability is key. Oftentimes we will get a call from an out of state or overseas producer or organization looking for a good camera crew. We know the drill. We know what to ask and we know how to manage the details that are important to your celebrity interview or b-roll that has to be filmed just right.
Good people. Frankly, without dedicated, smart, talented and easy to work with crewmembers, we wouldn’t be around to film for you very long. But we have been around for quite awhile and must be doing something right. We do love filming and working with great people and reflecting on a job well done.
In 2001, after a couple of years fulfilling requests for small interview crews, we decided to market our services to a broader clientele looking for reliable and trustworthy video crew services. Out of state and oversees producers and directors find this service of special interest preferring to avoid the extra costs and logistics of flying out their own video crew to Los Angeles. Naturally, producers and directors prefer working with their own people. We understand the leap of faith it takes to hire a new video crew. But after a couple of shoots and proving our abilities, we usually become the go-to video crew for LA and abroad.
We film interviews and shoot b-roll for television, corporations and agencies Los Angeles and Orange County based video crew: We work with producers, directors, corporations and organizations from around the globe who need an experienced DP with top quality cameras and support.
We love filming interviews We film some of Hollywood’s top talent in film and music. We film CEOs from leading firms. And we film local people telling fascinating stories.
Working with us is easy We’ve filmed hundreds of interviews and broll segments for production companies and corporations around the world – we’ve seen it all! Well, almost. Every shoot is different. Whether we meet your field producer on set or we take the reins, we manage as much as you need to maintain high production standards. It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: The client experience is everything.
We also offer Fixer and Line Producing services to arrange your entire filming whether local or abroad.
Service Focus
- Video Production - 100%
- Commercial - 35%
- Corporate Video - 35%
- Explainer - 30%
Industry Focus
- Other - 100%