Hospital Management Then and Now

Updated on :January 09, 2025
By :Muhammad Ali Khan

Effective hospital management system and facilities are the factors which differentiate a good hospital from crowded and chaotic healthcare institutes. The importance given to the quality of the patient care determines the level of dedication and responsibility a hospital possesses. This is the reason why health care experts emphasize proper management.

If management is well-coordinated and dedicated to the betterment of the patients, then it becomes easier to run a hospital.

Firstly, let's understand what the hospital management system is? 

Hospital Management System

Undoubtedly, the healthcare sector has gone through many revolutionary changes because of the advancements in medical science. Similarly, management and administration of hospitals and healthcare institutes have also changed. The current state of the healthcare sector is far better, thanks to the several stages of evolution.

Usually, hospital administration deals with all the operations of the institute to ensure a smooth workflow and uninterrupted life-saving care treatment. A hospital is a multi-faceted system and has several departments from operating complex instruments, policy development, and staff management, to the hospital management system. The stronger and more coordinated the hospital management is, the more efficiently the hospital will run. Keeping the records of the patient’s information and medical history is the primary role of a hospital management system. 

Every hospital has a complete management department and a manager that administers all these operations. Now you must be thinking, what exactly is the job description of a manager? 

Mentioned below is the detailed description of the manager’s job responsibilities.

Responsibilities of a Hospital Manager

Hospital administration is a daunting role backed by loads of responsibilities. There are a lot of operations going on at a single time in a hospital, and a manager must manage responsibility for all of them, plus managing the business side of the hospital as well. There is a business side to every hospital, which is essential for its sustenance. Therefore, the manager must be tech-savvy and should have sound business sense. Some of the significant duties include:

  • Budgeting
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Infrastructure management
  • Billing
  • Collection from insurance companies
  • Legislation

Apart from this, there is a direct link between his duties and the delivery of care to the patients. He needs to be firm in his ethical responsibilities. It is his job to ensure that all operations are running smoothly. Some of the significant responsibilities here include:

  • Surgery scheduled
  • Number of patients
  • Patient Records
  • Updates
  • Waste Management
  • Regular maintenance of equipment
  • Medicine Stock
  • Ensuring confidentiality
  • Monitoring hospital management system software
  • Blood Bank
  • Inventory

This is the reason why a hospital manager needs to be qualified and fully trained to tackle all the challenges thrown upon him. Now let’s take you to the old world of hospital management. It might be a bit boring for some of the readers, but it holds a lot of facts that you need to know.  

Hospital Management: Then

Back in the ’90s, the management process all over the world was not streamlined; the health record of patients was maintained on paper in a handwritten form. The facility of electronic health records was new and used only at some specific medical facilities. The hardware and other machinery were also not up-to-date. The health records were developed on minicomputers, which usually had limited storage. The record management system was dependant on the removable hard disks. Data entry was done through keyboards and mouse. Moreover, the records were maintained according to the hierarchal database. 

In other words, there were lots of limitations back then in the hospital management system. The most significant cause of so many limitations while managing a hospital was restricted funds and advancements in technology. The hospitals back then were run on the public funds, which resulted in limited resources. Everything was managed manually, and there was no concept of software keeping records for you.

However, many considerable improvements have been witnessed in management, particularly in more recent years. 

Hospital Management: Now

In the present day, the whole hospital management software system has been revolutionized. Everything has been digitized, and computers have an electronic health record management system. All these digitalization helps to offer optimal patient care.

Instead of relational health records, personal records are now maintained. Digital identities are found for every patient, and intra-facility data sharing is also available. Data is now accessible to everyone, from primary care doctors, hospital management, insurance companies, and even patients themselves. Copy/Paste has made the documentation process very simple.

Computers have made, monitoring and planning easy. A proper day-to-day schedule is made for all the hospital staff and displayed. This keeps all the necessary staff available and on-call in case of any emergency. Similarly, billing and other funds-related mechanisms have also been revolutionized.

Nowadays, there is a complete hospital management system software installed in systems. You can inform the whole hospital staff about any important event or news by routing an email to their department heads.

You might be feeling grateful to have been born in this era.

Well, you have all the reasons too!

Paper Health Record vs. Digitalised Health Records

The journey from paper health record to electronic health management encompasses years of research and struggle. All the modifications that have been seen in modern times are the outcome of technology evolution. When you compare both modes of record development, you will see significant differences.

A digital health record is now web server-based, which means the files are safe and secure in the memory of systems. Here the role of web hosting companies or web design and development agencies come into the picture.

Previously, paper record preservation was based on old and trivial management methods. With paper records, there were increased chances of data loss and errors. Files of handwritten records quickly got misplaced, and if you go looking for records for the last ten years, you will never find them. However, no matter how old the record is, if it is saved in software or a system, then it is easily accessible.

You can manage inventory record efficiently through electronic-based systems as well. All the information regarding payees of a particular hospital, its infrastructure reports, billing, marketing, meeting schedules, and medicine stock, etc. can be accessed with just one click now. It has simplified the management process, and now more attention can be paid towards the health of the patient. 

Impact of Technology on the Hospital Management System

Until now, you must have got an idea of how all these improvements are the perks of technology. We should be thankful to all the tech freaks who have made our life easier by introducing these useful ways of managing operations. In other words, technology has made hospital management literate. It has created a huge impact on the work of every individual who is associated with health care management. The digitalization of the records is just one example.

Technology has resulted in optimized patient care and has streamlined all the management process. It has brought ease in the workflow with better public health.

Here, we will explain, in detail, all the factors (associated with the technology of course) which have greatly impacted the hospital management software. These factors include:

  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Data Storage
  3. Improved Access
  4. Reduced Costs
  5. Ease in Workflow

Cloud Computing

Since health record maintenance has moved to electronic and digital mediums, storage is an essential factor for hospitals. All the healthcare facilities must have cost-effective and expandable storage sources — this where the concept of cloud computing comes into the picture.

So, what exactly is cloud computing and how it has impacted management?

Read more to find out!

Cloud computing is considered the most innovative solution in healthcare management. It utilizes both hardware and software for its functioning via the internet. If the data of hospital management is maintained through cloud computing, then all professionals and management staff can access it. Even patients can access their record. The most significant advantage of cloud computing is that a user can access it, no matter where he is, through any device. You just need an internet connection. 

Data Storage

Cloud computing technology is the best storage solution that is useful for hospital management. It enables its users to save masses of information at reasonable prices. You do not have to bother about the expenses on extra hardware or servers. Unlike trivial methods of storing data in the hard disc, cloud storage solutions have no limitations. All the sensitive data of hospitals are safe and secure due to its reliable backup and recovery methods. Your management becomes effective if your data is protected responsibly. 

Improved Access

Technology has improved the accessibility of the information. With easy access, management becomes smooth and efficient. For data exchange, cloud computing technology is the best choice. The majority of hospitals are now relying on this technology for data analysis and exchange. You do not have to worry now, exchanging big data is now possible.

Reduced Costs

The increased use of electronic health record has resulted in the reduction of outpatient care costs. The costs saved from the electronic record management can be used on patient care. The conclusive effect produced by the cost reduction would be in the form of improved public health. It is the responsibility of the manager to use the funds on the most desired technology for his hospital and save the remaining amount from improving public health.

Ease in Workflow

The most significant advantage of technology is that it brings smoothness and ease in the workflow. Hospital management needs to be quick and fast. Therefore, all those techniques which make the work easier should be incorporated in the management system. Data entry in the computerized systems is not only cost-effective but less time-consuming as well, as compared to paper-pen based methods. The chances of errors in data entry are also fewer. Once you have all the details saved in a system, you can access them through portable devices anytime. If your workflow is streamlined, ultimately your productivity will increase.

Almost 50% of the workload in hospital management is now being managed by hospital management system software. Nowadays, many customized software are available that can help you in managing the operations.

How Hospital Management Software Works?

The basic purpose of this software is to combine the latest technology with the administrative process so that you can manage the workflow inside a hospital effectively. It's because with the passage of time a significant increase is being witnessed in the complexity of the processes that occur in the management of modern hospitals. A software that can deal with all these complications was the need of the hour. This software is specially programmed for multi-specialty hospitals and is capable of covering broad hospital administration processes.

Let’s learn more about the key features of the software for clear understanding.

Key Features

  • Diagnostic reports: It provides a complete diagnostic report of a prescription.
  • Appointment management: All the appointments for the day can be filtered and managed.
  • Appointment application: Patients can apply for appointments easily.
  • Noticeboard schedule: Make schedules and create notices for the noticeboard.
  • History of medication: You can view the entire patient’s history of medication
  • Patient’s profile: A complete patient’s profile will be visible to you.
  • Private Messaging: The whole staff can communicate through this feature.

How does it work?

Such hospital management system software is multi-purpose. It keeps the whole staff under one roof which ensures a smooth flow of information. The following departments can get benefits from this software. 

·        Admin: They can monitor all the on-going hospital activities and can manage the accounts easily. They can set the schedules and duties for the staff through it. 

·        Receptionists: It can help front-desk officers to book appointments for patients after communicating with the doctors. 

·        Pharmacists: The pharmacists can also stay updated about the medicine record. 

·        Nurses: They can access patient diagnostic reports and assist doctors. 

·        Accountants: They can manage all the payment invoices from patients. 

·        Lab Assistants: They can generate test reports and manage all the information deduced from the diagnostic test performed.  

All the departments mentioned above can work proactively because of this management software. Web design and development companies play a significant role in the creation of this software.

Role of Web Agencies

Nowadays, many web agencies are working to develop comprehensive and responsive management software for hospitals. The software must be responsive and user-friendly. Only expert and competent developers can do this job appropriately. There is no room for error in such projects because the management of the whole hospital is dependent on it. Therefore, they rely on credible web development companies.

Now the question arises: which companies or web agencies are working on it? From where can you get help in this regard if you are looking for software for hospital management?

The answer is quite simple!

Mostly, “Web design agency” can be seen, actively participating in this field. They are taking an interest in these projects and are coming up with unique and user-friendly solutions to run hospitals. However, you should conduct complete research before making professional services. We would suggest that you should know the objectives and requirements of your management system before asking for hiring professional help.

Looking for Best Hospital Management Software? GoodFirms has curated a list of top hospital management softwares such as SoftClinic, MyNapier, eHospitalSystems and much, much more.  Just peruse the list and take your pick.   


Hence, hospital management has been revolutionized ever since technology has overtaken every field of life. From paper-and-pen record management to electronic data storage, many significant changes have occurred in the system. Cloud computing has made it easier for managers and administrators to monitor and schedule everything. Every update regarding appointments, availability of doctors, bills, public relations, and diagnostic reports can be shared with the concerned department.

Only those hospitals which meet all the standards of a well-maintained management system can serve patients efficiently. The management will only be able to focus on the health of patients if they have a cost-effective, quick, and responsive management system.

Over to you now

What kind of hospital management software are you using? And how it has been helping you streamline your hospital and patient care activities. Let us know more about your experienceshere.

Muhammad Ali Khan
Muhammad Ali Khan

Muhammad Ali Khan is a skilled digital marketing expert at Intelicle Ltd. – A Web Design Development and SEO agency based in Nottingham. He has been writing on various technology trends for a long time. His aim is to make the readers aware of all the perquisites of latest technologies.

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