Web and Mobile App developement company

We are dedicated to creating web and mobile applications for individuals, small and medium-sized businesses. The applications are personalized to what the client needs, which means that we can create something really unique and different. We can create apps for most ideas or businesses. We have offices in Puerto Rico and Virginia. We chose the name CienX35 (One hundred by thirty-five) as a tribute to Puerto Rico and its approximate geographical measurements. We are focused on providing unparalleled customer service and making amazing apps

Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
PO BOX 96, LAS PIEDRAS, PR , San Sebastian, San Sebastian 771
$25 - $49/hr

Service Focus

Focus of Mobile App Development
  • iOS - iPhone - 25%
  • Android - 25%
  • Hybrid - 25%
  • Flutter - 10%
  • React Native - 15%

Client Focus

50% Small Business
40% Medium Business
10% Large Business

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