Real Estate Services

Our business philosophy centres on the knowledge that clients’ needs are paramount and always come first. Moreover, we endeavour to understand our clients’ property needs and potential and at all times aim to provide the highest quality of service. As the road to success is a long and intricate one, CITYNET's relationships are long-standing and trustworthy. This, in turn, has resulted in strong and meaningful relationships being forged across all areas of this dynamic industry.

CITYNET has persistently placed an emphasis on our conscientious ethical and moral code: this is to say that we regard our code of conduct as a fundamental aspect of our service offering and ensure that these standards are applied to all our dealings with all our clients and personnel. Moreover, CITYNET has made the commitment to provide real opportunities and training to all of our employees but most especially the previously disadvantaged amongst us. This has given us a great sense of pride and real accomplishment.

South Africa South Africa
77 Dorothy Road Norwood, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2192
< $25/hr
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Real Estate
  • Commercial Real Estate Brokers - 35%
  • Investment Advisor - 35%
  • Property Management - 30%

Industry Focus

  • Advertising & Marketing - 35%
  • Financial & Payments - 35%
  • Real Estate - 30%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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