Consulting company

Megatrend Business Solutions d.o.o. is privately held information (IT) and consulting company, stationed in Zagreb, Croatia.Software development  is an area that, apart from existing by itself, enters into all other areas of Megatrend's activity. Every developed concept in IT is just an idea until a software solution is developed that will turn that idea into a "tangible" product, be it a web application, mobile application or scripts for automating various processes ( Robotic Process Automation ). In addition to traditional application development, Megatrend offers software solutions for various applications, such as automated web search and target content extraction (web scraping), web service integration, and process optimization using advanced optimization algorithms.

Croatia Croatia
Velika cesta 47, Zagreb , Zagreb, Zagreb 10020
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Cloud Computing Services
  • Cloud Security - 100%

MEGATREND POSLOVNA RJEŠENJA doo's exceptional Other Services services give clients a considerable advantage over the competition.

Industry Focus

  • Information Technology - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business


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