"Combined Strength. Undeniable Expertise."

Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate, LLC was established with the goal of providing outstanding professional commercial real estate brokerage services. Comprised of highly-skilled, certified professionals, and experienced marketing experts with diverse backgrounds Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate, LLC is comprehensively experienced in every aspect of the commercial real estate industry—an advantage that allows us to provide a full range of services based on our clients individual needs and objectives.

Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate, LLC maintains an extensive database designed to locate prospective purchasers for properties, and communicate valuable market information on a periodic basis. Our innovative marketing techniques generate business and referrals from satisfied clientele for this firm. Our goal is to provide dedicated service with a high degree of excellence, as expected by our clients to achieve a mutual goal in the disposition, acquisition or development of commercial property.

United States United States
5135 Bluebonnet Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70809, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Real Estate
  • Real Estate Consulting - 50%
  • Brokerage - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Retail - 20%
  • E-commerce - 20%
  • Advertising & Marketing - 10%
  • Hospitality - 10%
  • Information Technology - 10%
  • Real Estate - 10%
  • Other Industries - 10%
  • Enterprise - 10%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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