GoodFirms’ Research Unfolds Difficult yet Effective Digital Marketing Tactics

Updated on :January 31, 2025
By :Nathan Sebastian

The research team of GoodFirms conducted a survey of 100+ digital marketers globally including the founders, small business owners, professionals working in marketing agencies, entrepreneurs, and similar personalities. This survey revealed noteworthy insights about their personal takes and practices in terms of digital strategies, that they implement to achieve their marketing goals.

Everyone is aware of the long-term and short-term tactics comprising of SEO, social media marketing, link building & earning, email marketing, influencer marketing and so on. But this survey was focused on the ones that are difficult yet the most effective! As a result, the research team of GoodFirms received many exceptional responses. Some of them have been briefed in the ‘Digital Marketing Tactics Research’ published on the research page of GoodFirms.  

Below shown is a figurative chart of the survey showcasing the percentage support gained by various digital marketing tactics:

Percentage support to digital marketing tactics at GoodFirms

Here is a textual overview of the survey:

  • The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gained 28.4% of the participants’ support. Topical SEO by ruling certain topics using long-phrase keywords and integrating video transcriptions bring out hardcore SEO results.
  • Social media marketing earned 22.5% support in this survey. By engaging with people or your target audience on Instagram and Facebook groups, you gain organic conversions to self-brag about your brand and create multiple leads.
  • Link earning and building tactic was referred by 14.7% of the total digital marketers. Finding queries on the web or topics whose answers are being searched in your niche, then creating content without violating Google’s rules and publishing it on other sites with backlinks is a tiring process but definitely effective.
  • The content marketing strategy was highlighted by 14.5% of the marketers. The corporate company blogs attract customers’ loyalty and build trust in their minds, finding a way to communicate regularly through helpful content. Research, videos, keywords, audios, images are also a part of it.
  • Email marketing got termed as effective by 11.8% of the survey takers. Outreaching clients/consumers/influencers with personalized emails is much more difficult yet effective. It takes a bit of trial and error knowing your audience and then generating results as per their responses.
  • Influencer marketing technique got the votes of 4.9% of the survey participants. The difficult part of the whole notion of influencer marketing is finding the right influencer on the internet and deciding what sort of amount should be spent. When judged accurately, creates positive leads through word-of-mouth.


Every individual belonging to a certain industry or business has experienced different kinds of difficulties and has worked on coming up with unique solutions. These solutions aspire other digital marketers to think innovatively. Hence, hiring the right in-house digital marketing team or outsourcing services from the best digital marketing agencies is significant for a business to produce long-term profits.

Nathan Sebastian
Nathan Sebastian

Nathan is a Content Writing Expert at GoodFirms, a dedicated research & review firm for software development companies, showcasing their genuine portfolio and clienteles to service seekers. Nathan has been in the content development of marketing & technical spheres for two years now. His focus stays occupied with SEO friendly content for the web to assist GoodFirms in making its IT research reach millions.

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