Direct marketing firm

In 1985 Aria was founded to create and enhance relationships between organizations and their constituents through direct contact. In the beginning, this contact consisted solely of telemarketing phone calls but over time has evolved to include handwritten direct mail and email as well. Aria pioneered handwritten direct mail over 20 years ago and now with hundreds of hand writers, Aria sends out millions of pieces annually, both as stand alone projects and as part of telemarketing programs. And although email didn't exist when Aria first began, we can't imagine contact without it! Like handwritten direct mail, email can either stand alone or work with a telemarketing program.

United States United States
11812 Wayzata Blvd, #220 , Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305
United States United States
PO Box 425 Cambridge, Madison, Wisconsin 53523
< $25/hr
250 - 999

Service Focus

Focus of BPO Services
  • Telemarketing - 100%

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