Reliable and secure server systems

Kompjuter Tehnika is located in Novi Sad, Serbia. They offer services such as planning, installing, and maintaining computer networks and complete Microsoft solutions. They also sell PC hardware and software and support Fujitsu printers and scanners. Also, They rescue and restore data from all types of 'classic' hard drives, SSDs, USB, and Flash memory cards.

Serbia Serbia
st. Antifašističke borbe 24 (shop number 25, 1st floor), Belgrade, Belgrade 11070
Serbia Serbia
st. Branislava Nusica 10, Novi Sad, Vojvodina 21000
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of IT Services
  • Data Recovery - 100%
  • Hard Drive Recovery - 50%
  • Solid State Drive Recovery - 50%

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