Perfection implemented

DRC Infotech in all terms, can be named another company excelling in TYPO3. TYPO3 division at DRC started with a small team with an interest generated by our Technical director. The fondness for the CMS systems by our team has helped us to march ahead in this field and today, we have a good base of satisfied customer. TYPO3 CMS system or rather we would say that it will be injustice to just call the TYPO3 a CMS system, its technology, architecture and other key aspects are beyond just the CMS system.

Within a span of 11 months DRC Infotech TYPO3 development team has worked on more than 89 extensions and closed over 11 projects. The team has undergone extensive training under the guidance of our technical director, he has groomed the individual team members to take up the challenges in the field of the TYPO3 customisation and TYPO3 extension development. Also, in these fast few months we had an opportunity to work with the architects of TYPO3. We had an opportunity to work with companies that work exclusively on TYPO3 and they have very high standards and coding and development guidelines.

DRC Infotech would surely be candid to accept the fact that we have still a long way to go in TYPO3. Although we had the privilege to work with those people who have made TYPO3 Systems, but still there is no end to the challenges and it’s a constant learning curve. On the basis of our experience and trained skill sets, we even now have developers who have been hired dedicatedly for the European clients.

India India
Plot No. 294-Ground Floor, Beside Dharmanandan Diamond, Behind PatelFaliya, Gotalawadi, Katargam, Surat, Gujarat 395004
$25 - $49/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Mobile App Development
  • iOS - iPhone - 25%
  • Android - 25%
  • iOS - iPad - 25%
  • Windows Phone - 25%
Focus of Web Development
  • Wordpress - 25%
  • Drupal - 25%
  • Joomla - 25%
  • TYPO3 - 25%
Focus of Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Website - 20%
  • Landing Page - 20%
  • Launch Page - 20%
  • Logo Design - 20%
  • Usability - 20%
Focus of E-commerce Development
  • Magento - 50%
  • Bigcommerce - 50%
Focus of Digital Marketing
  • SEO Services - 50%
  • Search Engine Marketing - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

70% Small Business
30% Medium Business

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