Gemini Media Group
Excellent service sets us apart
Gemini Media Group is your local expert web marketing agency. We partner with hundreds of local businesses in the area to provide Local SEO, website design , content creation, social media management and both social and search engine PPC programs. Based in Akron, our team is equipped and able to review, suggest and optimize your marketing program and take your business to the next level. When you team with Gemini, you meet and shake hands with the owner of the company, not just another voice on the phone!
2591 South Arlington Road,
+1(330) 786 2600
< $25/hr
10 - 49
Service Focus
Focus of Web Development
- Wordpress - 35%
- Drupal - 35%
- Joomla - 30%
Industry Focus
- Advertising & Marketing - 50%
- Business Services - 50%
Client Focus
80% Small Business
20% Medium Business
Detailed Reviews of Gemini Media Group
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