Build thoughtfully

Protean Studio is a small agency focused on doing interesting and meaningful work through our expertise in UX Design and Front-End Software Development.  We are A11y advocates and strive to build inclusive and scalable experiences.

United States United States
512 W Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, #230, Austin, Texas 78701
$100 - $149/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Software Development
  • Javascript - 100%

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Client Portfolio of Protean Studio

Project Industry

  • Designing - 50.0%
  • Startups - 50.0%

Major Industry Focus


Project Cost

  • Not Disclosed - 100.0%

Common Project Cost

Not Disclosed

Project Timeline

  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 100.0%

Project Timeline

1 to 25 Weeks

Portfolios: 2

Contrast Tools

Contrast Tools

  • Contrast Tools screenshot 1
  • Contrast Tools screenshot 2
Not Disclosed
5 weeks

These contrast tools help users ensure text readability by illustrating how color combinations score with the WCAG 3.0 rating system that leverages the Advanced Perception of Color Algorithm (APCA). They also allow for comparison with the existing contrast ratio standards used in WCAG 2.0 and 2.1.

The 3.0 tools provide a live updating version of the APCA lookup table and ratings for pre-selected font sizes and weights.

Protean Design System

Protean Design System

  • Protean Design System screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
4 weeks

We created a minimal but effective design system to facilitate consistent, high quality work for ourselves and our clients. The system is open source and offers technology agnostic consumability.

Throughout the process, we focused on accessibility, usability, and developer experience to ensure that our needs were met but not at the expense of those who use the system at any stage.