Virtual Assistants to the Real Estate industry

REAssist provides pre-trained Virtual Assistants specifically to Real Estate Agencies & Agents.

The concept of utilising Virtual Assistants (VA) to reduce cost and increase business efficiencies is not a new one and most Agencies have either attempted to include a VA in their business or are considering doing so.

The facts are....

1. Its a great idea and makes absolute sense, but...

2. It takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of time to find a suitable person & train them across multiple disciplines before they become productive.

At REAssist our Virtual Assistants, or REA's (Real Estate Assistants) as we prefer, are pre trained in many aspects of Agency business and are supported by Team Leaders with mutliple years experience of Australian Agency operations. Prior to commencement our REA's are also provided with additional training based on the specific requirements of each client. 

Our REA's operate from our specialised Service Centre located in Baguio City. This ensures that each REA has business grade internet and the suitable communications facilities which are required to complete their day to day tasks. Operating from our service centre our REA's also receive day to day support and assistance from our on site team leaders. 

In summary, we have the experience and knowhow to provide Agencies & Agents with the

ability to integrate overseas assistants into office operations quickly and efficiently.

Australia Australia
11, 104 Barwon Road , Brisbane, Queensland 4170
073 251 3373
$25 - $49/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of BPO Services
  • Virtual Assistant - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

70% Small Business
30% Medium Business

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