Immediate Technological Tranquility!

At we are revolutionizing the world of systems technical support, that is why we offer a specialized service for companies and / or professionals, who seek to save themselves from headaches in the face of constant technology problems that always occur. We connect clients with systems problems, with the universe of experts always on-line and fully available to help you in the problems that arise in your technology equipment. Thanks to our agents, we provide verified and effective support as they do in large companies.

Ecuador Ecuador
Avenida Joaquin Orrantía and Juan Tanca Marengo, Torres del Mall del Sol Floor 4, Tower B, Guayaquil, Guayas 090101
Colombia Colombia
Carrera 16 # 96-64 Office 513, Bogota, Bogota 111061
Panama Panama
"Oceania Business Plaza, PH, Calle Isaac Hanono Missri, Panama Tower 2 Floor 43, Panama City, Panama 32406
< $25/hr
250 - 999

Service Focus

Focus of IT Services
  • Data Recovery - 100%
  • Database Recovery - 100%

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