3 Minds Digital
With you on your brand journey
3 Minds Digital - a Design and Digital Marketing agency.
We are here to create great brands, market amazing products and be a great partner.
3 Minds is a perfect mix of left brain and right brain, so you get the best of both worlds!
We process all the information we receive in a linear and holistic manner. Identify the details, get clarity, get random thoughts out of the way, listen to some music and then get going.
We sift through a pool of ideas, taking only the best, resulting in a perfect blend of a practical and actionable strategy to help take your brand to the next level.
In the process of finding the brand's voice, we believe in going back to the basics of marketing, starting with the alphabets and building blocks, moving in a sequential order, and creating a spectacular end-result. Our approach moves us away from conventional problem solving, which can often be so restrictive and limits us to unimaginative ideas.
You dream, we create!
Service Focus
- iOS - iPhone - 50%
- Android - 50%
Industry Focus
- Advertising & Marketing - 20%
- Business Services - 20%
- Consumer Products - 20%
- Financial & Payments - 20%
- Healthcare & Medical - 20%