Committed to building snappy, user-friendly apps

Applover was founded by a group of technology enthusiasts in 2014. Since then it has grown to over 50 employees. Our developers have a natural curiosity. We keep up to date with the latest developments in technology and we apply this to our projects. We work in our offices in the heart of the capital of Lower Silesia - Wrocław. We believe that every software company is built not by the process but by people. 

Poland Poland
Swieradowska 77, Wroclaw, Lower Silesia 50-559
United States United States
315 W 36th St, , NYC, New York 10018
$25 - $49/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Mobile App Development
  • iOS - iPhone - 50%
  • Android - 50%
Focus of Web Development
  • Wordpress - 100%
Focus of Software Development
  • Java - 10%
  • PHP - 15%
  • AngularJS - 10%
  • Python - 10%
  • Node.js - 15%
  • Ruby on Rails - 10%
  • Django - 15%
  • ReactJS - 15%
Focus of App Designing (UI/UX)
  • iPhone - 25%
  • Android - 25%
  • Full App - 25%
  • Usability - 25%
Focus of Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Website - 20%
  • Landing Page - 20%
  • Launch Page - 5%
  • Ecommerce - 10%
  • Corporate - 5%
  • Usability - 20%
  • User Experience - 10%
  • Product Design - 10%

Industry Focus

  • Startups - 30%
  • Business Services - 15%
  • Travel & Lifestyle - 10%
  • Insurance - 10%
  • Food & Beverages - 10%
  • Advertising & Marketing - 5%
  • Financial & Payments - 5%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 5%
  • Legal & Compliance - 5%
  • E-commerce - 5%

Client Focus

90% Small Business
10% Medium Business

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Client Portfolio of Applover

Project Industry

  • Legal & Compliance - 16.7%
  • Business Services - 16.7%
  • Financial & Payments - 16.7%
  • Food & Beverages - 16.7%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 16.7%
  • Travel & Lifestyle - 16.7%

Major Industry Focus

Legal & Compliance

Project Cost

  • Not Disclosed - 100.0%

Common Project Cost

Not Disclosed

Project Timeline

  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 100.0%

Project Timeline

1 to 25 Weeks

Portfolios: 6

KBSR application

KBSR application

  • KBSR application screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
5 weeks
Legal & Compliance

Technological solution

Together with the KBSR team, we conducted a thoughtful assessment of their needs so our product could meet them all. After writing out a specification of all the necessary functionalities and external integrations like Google Calendar, we started the product design process. After the approval of all the mockups of individual screens, presented by our UX and UI designer, we started the application development. The product is a mobile app so we developed it both for iOS and Android devices using Java and Swift. After thorough testing by our QA tester, we presented the application to the client. 

The outcome 

The client’s approved the product quickly as they were really happy with the result. Our team is highly satisfied with the outcome of the cooperation with the client, especially as all of it was held remotely. We could make the work of over 65 employees easier and smooth the process for their clients. Law firms in Poland rarely follow the newest technologies, that is why we are even happier that we could change that for KBSR! Moreover, they noticed over 20% increase in scheduled appointments with the clients which resulted in more deals!

Signium web app

Signium web app

  • Signium web app screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
24 weeks
Business Services

Technological Solution

Together with the Signium team, after the series of workshops, we determined the expectations, needs and specified the functions of the web application. Behind many filtrating options available for employees stays a complex architecture of the system. After the Signium team approved the colors and mockups of individual screens presented by our UX/UI designer, we started developing the app. We decided to use Ruby on Rails for back-end and VUE.JS for front-end development. We took some time to test the application properly, and our QA specialist was paying attention to every detail. The whole process went smoothly as we were always in touch with the client. 

The outcome 

Our team is highly satisfied with the results of our cooperation with the client, especially as most of it was remote. The web application was created for internal use and the end-user has many of the available functions, easily accessible on just a few clicks. We used a limited number of colors while designing the interface, so that the product itself helps and doesn’t distract while working. We provided Signium with full technical specifications which allow in the future to analyze the application and develop it further. Signium has always been taking care of GDPR compliance, but the new system ensures data security and more effective tracking of consents to the processing of personal data. Now they can conduct searches at top executive and upper management levels even faster! web app web app

  • web app screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
20 weeks
Financial & Payments

Technological solution

To develop the front-end of the application we chose the Vue.js framework due to its numerous advantages like versatility, scalability, and blazing-fast performance. Our UX/UI designer took care of the emotional and visual design, choosing blue as a dominating color to symbolize trust, elegance as well as high quality. Black and grey were chosen as accent colors to emphasize simplicity and don’t distract the user from the main purpose of the web app. These colors together we found to be a perfect match for a blockchain-related web application.

The outcome

That is how we’ve developed the web application for Despite the distance between us, the whole communication process with the client went really smoothly. We have started our cooperation with workshops, so we could establish the needs of correctly and assess all the tasks. Later on, when needed we communicated on Slack and consulted the most important aspects of the project. Our project manager, Piotr made sure that every aspect of the product is agreed with the technology, client’s needs, and user preferences. Moreover, he strived for high consistency with the mobile application. In spite of challenges that came with blockchain technology and advanced library created by the client, our skilled crew released the product with success and within the determined deadlines. It took us 700 hours and a team of 3 and we were satisfied with the result. What’s more, the client was too! could promote a shared economy and its blockchain-based product with its new web application!

Foodsi app

Foodsi app

  • Foodsi app screenshot 1
  • Foodsi app screenshot 2
  • Foodsi app screenshot 3
  • Foodsi app screenshot 4
Not Disclosed
16 weeks
Food & Beverages

Technical Solutions

In the first phase, our UX/UI designer was dealing with the client. During the consultation, he led them through the specification, took care of the branding and materialized their idea in the form of the first mock-ups. The next stages were attended by QA specialists, programmers and graphic designers, which throughout all the stages of the project, were under the watchful eye of the Project Manager Radek. Following the implementation of the app for Android, it took a year for Foodsi to „knock on our door again”. The vast majority of restaurants was using iOS devices, so it was almost impossible to register and increase the quantity of cooperating restaurants. We were asked to work on an iOS application. By the way, we had got unpleasantly surprised. Only a year had passed and the technologies had changed enough to slow down and hinder the functioning of the Android version. Meanwhile programming the application for iOS, it was also necessary to update the program for Android. We have created a friendly and pleasing to the eye interface, thanks to which the end-user can easily buy food. He can search for a restaurant in several ways, using the map or the search engine with a few helpful filters. In terms of graphics, we have chosen a currently trendy clear model of solid colors, where dominates black – the color of high quality and bright green – a color often associated with ecology.

The outcome

It is worth to mention that Foodsi was financed exclusively from Mateusz and Kuba’s resources. Considering that the cooperation with Foodsi was processing only remotely, we managed to successfully get the application through the development process. Despite difficulties with the Android app’s compatibility, thanks to our skilled crew, both apps were successfully published in application stores within the determined deadlines. Foodsi started its activity on April 1, 2019, cooperating with only 3 restaurants in Warsaw. Currently, they have established collaboration with more than 150 restaurants all over Poland including Warsaw, Katowice, Wrocław, Poznań and Gdańsk. Their number keeps on growing. We wish Foodsi to enjoy the taste of success as long as possible!

Labplus app

Labplus app

  • Labplus app screenshot 1
  • Labplus app screenshot 2
  • Labplus app screenshot 3
  • Labplus app screenshot 4
Not Disclosed
24 weeks
Healthcare & Medical

Technological Solutions

Together with the LabPlus team, we went through a series of workshops to determine the customer’s expectations and specify the functions that should appear in the application. Behind the tremendous number of options available for the final user, stays a highly complex architecture of the system. As soon as LabPlus approved the colors and mockups of individual screens presented by our UX/UI specialists, we started to work on application development. Since the back-end system belonged to our client, it was necessary to coordinate our and their team during the product development process. Therefore, we were in constant contact with LabPlus employees.
To create the application for iOS we chose Swift, while the application for Android was written with Kotlin.

The outcome

We are highly satisfied with the results of our cooperation. The end-user of the application has many of the available functions, easily accessible on just a few tabs. Designing the interface we used only two colors: blue and white, bringing to mind a medical uniform. Thanks to this, it does not distract but informs about the purpose of the application. The user is guided through registration, a series of questions allowing to personalize the scope of the recommended tests and finally through their purchase as well as analysis.
Although the LabPlus team responsible for the backend was located in another part of Poland, together we managed to get through the whole process and complete the development before the deadline.

Mobile applications have been successfully published in shops and the number of its users is gradually growing. No doubts. LabPlus offers over 1000 types of specialist tests, which can be performed in numerous laboratories located throughout Poland. It is possible to search it by name, type or location. It is also possible to compare the costs of tests in different establishments. The results of the examination are safely stored in the LabPlus database; the application requires the introduction of a security code every time it gets open.
The product has been appreciated not only by application users but also by the National Centre for Research and Development. This is how LabPlus received funding for its further development. And this is a healthy way to be!

Amino app

Amino app

  • Amino app screenshot 1
  • Amino app screenshot 2
  • Amino app screenshot 3
  • Amino app screenshot 4
Not Disclosed
18 weeks
Travel & Lifestyle

Technological solution

To develop the back-end and the administration panel of the application we chose the Ruby on Rails framework due to its numerous advantages for example simplicity of the code that, fastening the programing, allows our developers to focus on another aspect of the project. To create the iOS app we chose the Swift language, meanwhile the Android we proceeded with Kotlin. It is worth to mention that our highly skilled developers overcome some obstacles; the biggest was the connection and integration with the payment systems operating in Dubai.

Our UX/IU designer took care of the emotional and visual design, choosing black as dominating color to symbolize power and elegance as well as high quality; and orange as an accent color to emphasize the positive energy and determination. These two colors together we found to be a perfect match for a fitness-related application.

The outcome

Despite the distance between us, the whole communication process with the client went so smoothly, that after the delivery of the iOS app we had been asked to continue the collaboration. So consequently, we designed and implemented the Android version of the app. Now everyone, no matter if iOS or Android users, can easily book his personal trainer. No excuses.

However, our relationship with Amino had not finished there. We also worked on recent improvements. We modified and simplified some structural and aesthetic details to make the app even easier to use than before. We also simplified the booking process and payment systems management. The app added the Fitness Consultation service thanks to which the customer may discuss their training plan with a qualified personal trainer. Despite some unexpected difficulties, we kept the deadlines and released the two apps within the scheduled time! Now you can work out wherever you are. The trainer structures your workout according to the location and your physical abilities: lunch break in a skyscraper, family picnic outdoors or directly in the gym you attend. No excuses, your trainer will find you wherever you go!