ProffCom will be the best Call Center in Norway

ProffCom is a leading provider of customer service and sales services to a number of customers in many industries. We have experience from banking, media, logistics, electricity, telecom and security. We provide several different solutions for sales and customer service to our customers. Everything from overflow at an existing customer center, for your business to have more flexibility, to complete outsourcing of the customer center.
This means that we work every single day to deliver the best possible results for our customers. Sometimes we also get visible evidence that we are good.
For the past three years in a row, ProffCom has won the award for “Best Customer Service Center of the Year” in the award to the industry organization NORDMA.

ProffCom was established in 1999 by Svein Rasmussen, and we are proud to be one of the first call centers in Norway to be certified as the Approved Call Center in NORDMA and Virke's certification scheme .

The feedback from the market is that ProffCom is perceived as the most experienced customer service and sales company in the Norwegian outsourcing market.

We want to be something more than an ordinary supplier, and for many of our customers, we are an important strategic cooperative partner ner . To come up with proposals that increase revenues and reduce the costs for our customers, we see this as a natural part of our job.

ProffCom has over 200 employees with headquarters in Nydalen in Oslo, as well as branch offices in Tønsberg and Kristiansund. In addition to this, we also have an office in Belgrade (Serbia) in collaboration with NoviCom .

Our basic values ​​mean a lot to us, and we attach great importance to all "ProCommers" being characterized by being; S Ulten, P ålitelig, E enthusiastic race, K unnskapsrik and K reative.

By living up to our vision, our slogan and our basic values, we create a workplace where the best in the industry thrive. That's why we deliver the best results to every single customer every single day.

Norway Norway
Nydalsveien 28, Oslo, Oslo 0484
47 21 50 55 50
$50 - $99/hr
250 - 999

Service Focus

Focus of Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning - 50%
  • Machine Learning - 50%
Focus of BPO Services
  • Customer Service - 25%
  • Back Office Services - 25%
  • Chat Services - 25%
  • Email Support - 25%

Industry Focus

  • Automotive - 10%
  • Business Services - 10%
  • Financial & Payments - 10%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 10%
  • Information Technology - 10%
  • Telecommunication - 10%
  • Media - 10%
  • Other Industries - 10%
  • E-commerce - 10%
  • Industrial - 10%

Client Focus

60% Small Business
20% Large Business
20% Medium Business

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