Project Management Software

Are you looking for the best project management software? At GoodFirms, We have a curated list of project management software that can help businesses and individuals with project tracking & planning, task allocation, schedules, and team organization. There are many project management system solutions available in the market, but not easy to choose the one that is friendly, easy to use, and reliable. This list is based on their features, functionalities, benefits & software pricing. Select the right project management tool from the list below for your specific needs and budget.

401 Softwares   |  Last updated: Jun 17, 2024
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List of Top Project Management Software


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Buyer’s Guide

Buyers' Guide to Project Management Software

Regardless of the business size and type, whether a start-up or a large enterprise, it has to manage many projects, tasks, operations, plans, and people positively. Gone are the days of managing projects using spreadsheets and whiteboards. Businesses now look forward to providing an excellent customer experience, staying ahead of the competition, and adapting the best project management tools to streamline their workflow.

With so many options available for project management software, it can become quite confusing as to which one to deploy for the type of business you own and manage. So, this guide aims to help you gain knowledge about the basics of project management and pick the best project management tool for your business.

What Is Project Management?

Project management pertains to applying knowledge, skills, tools & techniques to achieve the pre-defined goals within a specific time. Project management is about evaluating the requirements, designing the strategy, managing costs, developing, and successfully analyzing the results.

Why is Project Management Important?

Systematic project management can make projects successful:

Aligned Strategic Planning

Every project has specific goals, and project management ensures that those goals are achieved through aligned strategic planning.

Meeting Schedules and Deadlines

The project management establishes the task schedule and defines the timeframe within which those tasks need to be completed. This helps streamline the project and ensure it gets completed within specified deadlines.

Optimum Use of Resources

Resources, whether people or money, can prove too expensive if not used for the right purpose. Project management ensures that the resources are used efficiently and economically to maximize ROI.

Managing Change

Change is inevitable in any project. Project management helps in predicting future changes in a project.

Retaining Quality

Project management helps identify the problems in the project at an early stage and maintain the quality of the end product or service. This results in the delivery of high-quality products or services to clients and the growth of the business.

Integrating Business Processes

The success of a project is not possible without integrating different business processes. For example, you cannot create a sales system without integrating it with marketing and accounting processes. Project management helps identify and manage the integration.

Controlling Cost

A project cost crossing a specified budget can become a liability for a business. Project management can help determine if a project is crossing the budget limit and control the cost from the project's initial phase.

Learning from Success and Failures

Projects can succeed or fail. Project management helps in learning from failures and successes, ensuring that the right strategies are applied and the same mistakes are not committed while commencing projects in the future with proper documentation.

What Are the Processes Involved In Project Management?

The below-mentioned project management process applies to almost all projects regardless of the industry or the type of outcome required

Step 1: Initiating

Determining the project concept and feasibility is the first step toward accomplishing the goal. Various tasks are done during this phase, like defining the project scope, selecting project managers and stakeholders, calculating an estimated budget, ascertaining the deadline for project completion, and identifying potential risks.

Step 2: Planning

The next move would be to create a blueprint of the plan as to how to go about it. This will include the project's scope, required resources, financial strategy, communication methods, execution plan, and proposal for ongoing maintenance. A well-designed project plan also helps attain proposals from the key stakeholders if required.

Step 3: Executing

Executing the project requires proper resource allocation to ensure that the project is being carried out within a specified budget and timeframe. All the tasks are being done on time and in an organized manner.;

Step 4: Monitoring and Control

During this process, the project managers, team members, stakeholders, and whoever is associated with the project closely monitor its growth to ensure that it is on the right path and developing the way it has been planned. Monitoring helps detect project errors so that the right action can be taken at the right time to eliminate any risk.

Step 5: Closing

The closing process starts once the project has been completed and delivered. In this phase, the stakeholders validate and approve the project results; the project manager ends the contracts with the people temporarily associated with the project, such as suppliers, consultants, etc. The final project report with a complete analysis is generated, which helps plan business strategies in the future.

Types of Project Management Methodologies

We have listed six different project management methodologies, which you must choose depending on your project type and desired results.

Waterfall Project Management

This method is one of the oldest project management methods. This style involves working in steps, where the next step depends on the previous step. Until one step is complete, another one cannot start. This method is ideal for projects requiring predictability and a structured working method.

Agile Project Management

Agile project management refers to breaking down the entire project into small sections. Each section is delegated to a different team so the entire project can be completed quickly. The benefit of using Agile methodology is that you can address the project's issues as and when they arise, which ultimately saves resources and helps you deliver a successful project.

Scrum Project Management

Scrum is the subset of agile project management, which is based on time-based pieces. Scrum follows the method of delivering incremental builds to the clients every 2-3 weeks. This method is used in projects requiring rapid changes.

Kanban Project Management

Similar to Scrum, Kanban is another variant of agile project management. Instead of time, Kanban focuses on the number of tasks in a project. It is a method in which the tasks are divided into small groups, streamlined, and reduced, if possible, to complete the project as quickly as possible.

Lean Project Management

Lean project management is based on a customer-centric approach. It is all about how the tasks in a project can be trimmed to deliver more value and the best quality, affordability, and timely experience to the customers without wasting time, resources, and money.

Six Sigma Project Management

The Six Sigma project management focuses on improving the quality of the project results. Contrary to lean project management, where the project results are less than satisfactory, Six Sigma is emphasized to provide high-quality results for the customers.

Major Project Management Challenges

  • Miscommunication between team members and stakeholders may cause chaos.
  • Unrealistic deadlines can cause critical issues for the project.
  • Poor team skills and lack of technical knowledge
  • Lack of accountability when the team members are not ready to take responsibility for their tasks and roles
  • Managing risks such as uncertainty in the financial market, scarcity of resources, or external factors is a challenge.
  • Changes in client expectations and unpredictable demands of clients amidst the project

What Is a Project Management System?

The Project Management system is a set of application tools that help project managers manage costs and ensure that they are completed within the committed time frame and meet the standard quality guidelines. Moreover, it is also used by project managers, users, and stakeholders as a communication, collaboration, documentation, and knowledge-sharing tool. It is also used for managing changes like an increase in the cost of a specific product or service and the sudden unavailability of particular resources.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Project Management Software?

  • Easy collaboration of team members and sharing documents on a real-time basis
  • Effortless delegation of tasks and feeding instructions to each team member
  • Provide easy access to project status to clients, superiors and management
  • Monitor and control project costs, budgets, and expenditures
  • Keep track of tasks, deadlines, and human resources
  • Streamlines all processes, reduces errors and increases productivity
  • Foresee the future risks and take action at the right time
  • Automated emails, notifications, and alerts about project information to team members
  • Get task visibility and track time so that the team members become accountable for their roles and responsibilities

Industry-wise Project Management Software

Project management software for Construction & Architecture Projects:

This software caters to the objectives, processes, and workflows required while building residential & commercial properties. It automates administrative tasks and billings, centralizes documentation, and facilitates planning and scheduling.

Project management software for IT Projects:

Software & mobile app development companies can deploy cross-platform project management tools that care for the whole IT project delivery lifecycle. It caters to development teams and helps IT professionals deliver projects on time.

Project management tool for Entertainment Projects:

Producing movies, plays, songs, etc., requires a lot of planning, resources, and time. A project management tool for the entertainment industry helps manage project schedules, timelines, costs, etc. and reduces deviation.

Project Management Software for Manufacturing Projects:

A project management system for manufacturing units assists project managers in creating, dividing, assigning, and tracking work given to production teams. From packaging to the delivery of consignments, the project management application keeps workflows intact.

Project Management software for the Pharmaceutical industry:

A project management system helps pharma companies allocate resources, improve decision-making, mitigate risks, handle vaccine production projects, and retain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Project Management Software for Small Businesses

Project management systems for small businesses provide project managers the flexibility to wear multiple hats and control various phases of projects from a centralized dashboard. The tool organizes workflows and integrates with other tools for efficient management and quick wireframing. With features for advanced scheduling, active collaboration, and task automation, project management applications ease project managers' work for small businesses.

What are the Top Features of a Project Management Software?

Planning and Scheduling: Project management software has tools that help you prioritize, plan, schedule, delegate, and manage projects and related tasks. You can create a project timeline and set deadlines for clear communication and transparency among team members and clients./p>

Communication & Collaboration: Project collaboration software helps team members to share documents, calendars, contact lists, customer data, etc., and communicate with each other quickly in an organized manner.

Resource Management: The project management tool helps you identify the availability of liquidity, staff, machines, equipment, and time. It enables minimum waste of resources and maximum output in terms of productivity.

Project Budget Management: The project tracking software provides real-time updates about your project expenses so that you can take immediate action if unnecessary expenditures impact your projects' profitability.

Documentation: Your project management system is a centralized hub for storing and accessing all the documents relating to the projects planned, completed, and in the process. The documents can be retrieved easily for compliance and regulatory purposes.

Reporting: The best project management tools provide insightful reports that provide complete knowledge about the shortcomings and issues that require quick attention.

Gantt Charts: A project management tool is also a Gantt Chart software that allows teams to visualize their projects' progress on well-structured Gantt charts.

Task Automation: Teams can automate simple and complex workflows using the task automation feature. Daily reports, emails, notifications, scheduling, etc., can be automated to save time.

What is the Cost of the Project Management Software?

Some vendors clearly mention the project management software price on their websites, whereas some ask for detailed company or business requirements before sending the quote. There are two pricing models that project control software providers offer:

Licensing Pricing model - In this case, the companies buy the software license straight away from the software providers and host it on their server. It can be a one-time or annual payment for the software's support or regular upgrades. This option is mostly chosen by large enterprises having security issues and required to host the software on their server.

Subscription Pricing Model - Generally, this pricing model applies to cloud-based software hosted on the software provider's server. The price needs to be paid for a weekly, monthly, or annual subscription. This type of software is also available on a free trial basis with some limitations so that you can check whether it has features that suit your business before purchasing it.

Additional Costs to be Considered

Most services are included in the project management software's one-time license purchase or subscription price. Still, there are some services for which the software providers might charge extra, and those are -

  • Software Implementation- Some software providers charge extra for implementing or integrating the project management software with other systems already being used in your organization. These charges may vary depending on the software provider and the complexity of the implementation and integration.
  • Training - Many software providers provide free training but some charge for this service, especially if the training is held at your site.
  • Support - Most of the time, software providers offer free email and chat support. Some software providers offer advanced support, like a dedicated service manager, which can be chargeable.

Besides investing in project management software, you can also use free software such as Paymo, Backlog, or Open ProjectMany free and open-source project management software, such as TaskJuggler, FreedCamp, and ProjectLibre, are available online.

Selecting the free or paid project management tool depends on the features you require and your organization's budget. If you plan to invest a huge amount in project planning software, make sure it has a trial version to check whether it works as per your business strategies.

If you are looking forward to investing in paid project management software, several solutions range from $2.99/month to $99/month. Here, we have given two examples with minimum and maximum price packages for your selection per your budget. You can also review the complete list of the best project control software here to view their prices. nTask is a project management tool starting at $2.99/month. You can also add unlimited users if you opt for this package. They also offer other packages with upgraded features at $7.99/month. Basecamp is one of the most all-in-one project management solutions that can replace a bunch of tools like Asana, Slack, DropBox, and GSuite. It costs you $99/month for your team. Whether you have 5 people or 50 people on your team, the price remains the same.

What Factors to Consider While Buying a Project Management Software?

With so many project management apps available with different features, it might become overwhelming to select one. So, below are the factors to consider while buying project management software -

Easy to Collaborate

The best online project management tools you select should make it easy for the project manager, team members, and project stakeholders to collaborate so they can work together, on-site or remotely, to accomplish common goals.

Easy to Customize

You cannot change the workflow of your entire organization to accommodate a new system. Just make sure that the business project management software you buy can be customized per your business logic and requirements.

Ability to Scale

Your business cannot stagnate even for a while, so why should your project management software be? Select the project management software whose features can be enhanced as your business grows.


Many project management tools are challenging and require several days to train people. You must ensure that your project management software is quick and easy to learn.

Real-Time Reporting

Reporting on a real-time basis would help you determine the problems instantly and take the required action at the right time to avoid failures and losses. Thus, you need to ensure that your project management software facilitates you to pull out the reports relevant to your projects' current status.

Data Security

Having software with excellent functionality can be a good choice, but if your data is unsafe, that functionality is useless. Ensure that the project management software you select uses the right encryption method to keep your data safe from malware attacks.

Ability to Integrate

The project tracking system may have to work with other systems in your company for communication, accounting, sales, operations, etc. Ensure that you invest in project management software that can integrate with the tools already being used in your organization.

Includes Timesheets

The timesheets would allow you to monitor whether the tasks are being done on time. You can get early warnings relating to project delays and the negligence of any of your team members. Thus, you must opt for project management software that includes easy-to-use timesheets.

All-In-One System

Many tasks involve project management, and using a different tool for each would become complicated, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Ensure you choose an all-in-one project management system that allows you to complete multiple tasks from a single interface. It should combine workflow management, task management, project planning, project scheduling, collaboration, tracking, and Gantt chart software.

What Are the Current Trends in Project Management?

It is always better to upgrade with the current trends in project management to run a sustainable business. So, here are some popular trends you need to consider while selecting project management software.

IoT in Project Management

Project management using IoT can help team members collaborate and communicate without involving manual efforts, improving response time and reducing errors.

Artificial Intelligence in Project Management

AI-enabled project management applications empower tasks and workflow, enhancing the overall project management process and approach.

Focus Towards Real-Time Data

The project managers can now pay close attention to real-time data to overcome the challenges before they arise. Analytical project management tools help collect real-time data reflecting the results accurately.

Managing Remote Team

It is no longer difficult to manage people and remote teams from different geographical locations with the help of the user-friendly project tracking software that is available these days.

Why Refer to the GoodFirms’ List of Best Project Management Software?

When picking the best project management system, even the most skilled and highly qualified project managers can get confused with many available tools. GoodFirms is the most reliable B2B research, review, and listing platform where you can access the list of Best Project Management Software with unbiased reviews for each one of them.

GoodFirms includes listings of only the world's most efficient and well-performing software solutions and service providers. We follow the efficacious and visionary research process to develop the best software solutions you can sort based on reviews, ratings, features, pricing, and your business requirements.

  • GoodFirms includes more than 60000 software and services, providing companies with detailed information.
  • GoodFirms has around 30k+ unbiased reviews on different companies and software, helping you make your selection process easier.
  • The critical and authentic research conducted by GoodFirms is based on the industry's trends and technologies and is trusted by several reputed companies and software vendors.


The trends in project management software continuously change, and businesses keep upgrading their processes. The project control software you select can be the driving force of your success in the future. If you have experienced the changes a project management software has brought into your business or transformed your approach, bringing positive results, please share your experience with us in the comment section below.

Comparison of Project Management Tools: Asana vs. Monday vs Jira vs. Wrike

Target AudienceSmall & medium businesses, teams within various industriesSmall & medium businesses, creative teamsAgile development teams, software development projectsSmall & medium businesses, large businesses
PricingFree basic plan, Paid plans start at $10.99/user/monthFree basic plan, Paid plans start at $8/user/monthFree basic plan, Paid plans start at $7/user/monthFree basic plan, Paid plans start at $9.99/user/month
Ease of UseEasy to learn, intuitive interfaceVery easy to use, visually appealingModerate learning curve, customizable interfaceModerate learning curve, feature-rich interface
FeaturesTask management, project planning, team communication, custom fieldsKanban boards, customizable views, automation, integrationsScrum and Kanban boards, issue tracking, reporting, agile development toolsTask management, project planning, time tracking, resource management
ScalabilityHighly scalableHighly scalableHighly scalableHighly scalable
IntegrationsWide range of integrations with popular business toolsExtensive integrations with popular business toolsExtensive integrations with development tools and pluginsExtensive integrations with business and collaboration tools
SecuritySecure platform, SOC 2 complianceSecure platform, GDPR complianceSecure platform, SOC 2 complianceSecure platform, SOC 2 compliance
Cost of OwnershipModerateLow to moderateModerate to highModerate to high
Customization OptionsProvides customization options for project workflows, task fields, and templates to fit specific business needs.Offers extensive customization options for creating custom boards, automation, and workflows.Provides customization options for workflows, issue types, fields, and project configurations.Offers customization options for project workflows, task statuses, and dashboards to adapt to different use cases.
Customer SupportProvides customer support via email, live chat, and online help center, as well as extensive documentation and training resources.Offers customer support via email, phone, live chat, online help center, and tutorials.Provides customer support via email, phone, and online help center, as well as extensive documentation and training materials.Offers customer support via email, phone, and online help center, as well as live training sessions and webinars.

Comparison of Project Management Tools: Microsoft Project vs Google Project Management Tools

FeatureMicrosoft ProjectGoogle Project Management Tools
Target AudienceEnterprise teams, professional project managersSmall & medium businesses, individuals, collaborative teams
PricingStandalone purchase or included in Microsoft 365 subscriptionsFree with Google Workspace account (limited features), Paid plans for advanced features
DeploymentOn-premise or cloud-based (Microsoft Project Online)Cloud-based
Ease of UseComplex requires training and technical knowledgeModerate learning curve, user-friendly interface
FeaturesAdvanced features for resource management, scheduling, cost tracking, reportingBasic task management, collaboration tools, Kanban boards, Gantt charts
ScalabilityHighly scalable for large projects and teamsModerately scalable for smaller projects and teams
IntegrationsIntegrates with other Microsoft products, limited third-party integrationsExtensive integrations with other Google Workspace tools and additional third-party integrations are available
SecuritySecure platform, benefits from Microsoft's security measuresSecure platform, Google Workspace security standards
Cost of OwnershipHigh (standalone purchase) or included in Microsoft 365 subscriptionFree for basic features, moderate cost for paid plans with advanced features
Customization OptionsProvides extensive customization options for project plans, task lists, calendars, and reporting to fit specific project needs.Offers basic customization options for project workflows, task lists, and project views to adapt to different project requirements.
Customer SupportProvides customer support via phone, email, and online help center, as well as extensive documentation and training resources.Offers customer support via email, live chat, and online help center, with additional support available through the Google Workspace community.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Manage A Project Using Project Management Software?

One can leverage the top features of project management systems to manage their projects efficiently and effectively. Project management is not just assigning and managing tasks in the current scenario. It is about continuously evolving and embracing modern technologies and tools to help companies survive the cut-throat competition and become immune to project failures.

What Are The Types of Project Management Software Based On Deployment?

Based on deployment, project management software is of four types: cloud-based, web-based, free and open-source, and on-premise project management software.

What Is The Average Cost of Project Management Software?

The average cost of project management software is between $2.99/month to $99/month. However, many free and open-source project management software are available.

How Secure Is The Data of A Project Management Software?

With the advancements in internet technology, it would not be wrong to say that cyberattacks are also increasing. The safety of project data is a prime concern for project managers. Project management software is equipped with advanced measures for enhancing cyber measures, and your data is fully secure with the best project management software.

What Are The Objectives of Using a Project Management software?

The main objectives of using project management software are:

  • Time: To complete certain tasks within a specific time frame
  • Performance: To optimize performance for high-end results
  • Budget: To complete tasks within the budgeted cost

What is Hybrid Project Management Software?

Often, a project requires an agile approach, but some restrictions require a traditional approach to manage the project. In that case, you might need to use an agile approach for some tasks and a traditional one for the rest. Software applications that can handle both approaches are called hybrid project management software, which is highly trending to obtain flexibility in completing tasks successfully.

Can I customize Project Management Software for My Business?

Yes, most project management software vendors allow customization to fit the needs of their clients. When it comes to project management, the one-size-fits-all approach has become obsolete. Every project is unique, and applying a customized approach to each has become essential due to the customers' changing requirements and increasing competition.

What are Project Management (PM) Tools?

Project management (PM) tools are comprehensive applications that help efficiently manage a project, its tasks, activities, budget, and timeline and deliver it successfully without friction. The software's powerful features and intuitive dashboard allow the project team to collaborate, communicate, and work with capabilities to plan the tasks, organize them, follow the deadline, predict risks, and resolve issues in real-time.

What is PMIS?

A project management information system (PMIS) is an application that facilitates the automated control and sharing of information regarding projects. Right from authorizing a task to scheduling the activities and collecting and distributing the required files, every process can be systematically carried out with a PMIS.

Who are the best-rated Project Management Tools on GoodFirms?

GoodFirms has listed 390+ Project Management tools based on reviews & ratings. Here are the Best-rated Project Management tools, include:

  • Asana - (4.4 stars, 134 reviews)
  • Trello - (4.3 stars, 219 reviews)
  • Jira - (4.3 stars, 61 reviews)
  • Microsoft Project - (4.2 stars, 26 reviews)
  • Wrike - (4 stars, 25 reviews)

Who are the best Project Tracking Software on GoodFirms?

The Best Project Tracking Software on GoodFirms, based on verified client reviews and ratings, includes:

  • Simply CRM - (5 stars, 43 reviews)
  • Evernote - (4.5 stars, 82 reviews)
  • Basecamp - (4.3 stars, 32 reviews)
  • Zoho Projects - (4.3 stars, 25 reviews)
  • - (4.3 stars, 24 reviews)

Who is the best Free Project Management Software on GoodFirms?

The Best Free Project Management Software on GoodFirms, based on verified client reviews and ratings, includes:

  • Taiga - (5 stars, 4 reviews)
  • Confluence - (4.3 stars, 3 reviews)
  • KanbanFlow - (No Reviews)
  • Wiilead - (No Reviews)
  • Awork - (No Reviews)

Who is the best Project Portfolio Management Software on GoodFirms?

The Best Project Portfolio Management Software on GoodFirms, based on verified client reviews and ratings, include:

  • ProjectManager - (5 stars, 7 reviews)
  • Todoist - (4.8 stars, 9 reviews)
  • Teamwork Projects - (4.6 stars, 22 reviews)
  • Notion - (4.5 stars, 12 reviews)
  • Kissflow Workflow - (4.3 stars, 10 reviews)
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